C2.Meeting Antwan

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I walked down the side walk that led to the hell hole I call home, I was just coming from the park that was around the corner.I was walking with my head down when I bumped into something extremely hard,I looked up and saw the finest nigga in all internity."S-Ssorry"I studdered out looking at my feet.
"It's aight ma"His smooth deep voice spoke,Causing me to blush.
"I'm Antwan, What's your name beautiful?"He asked...I moved a piece of my hair behind my ear and looked up at him."Diamond."I spoke shyly "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl"My cheeks flushed once again."T-Thanks"I spoke shyly "So ma where are you headed?"He asked"Home."I replied"Mind if I walk with you?
"He asked I shook my head No and we began walking down the side walk"So..Diamond is it why are you walking alone?"He ask, I shrugged as we turned a corner.
"Just felt like it"I replied short, He nodded in understanding.

The walk to my house was quiet,
We was now standing on my porch,"So ma can I call you?"He asked"I don't have a phone" I spoke embarrass looking at my feet. He lifted my head up,"Don't ever look down you to beautiful fa' that shit"He said looking in my eyes, I blushed and nodded.
"Just let me give you my number and we can link up sometime"I nodded as he wrote his number on my hand with a pen that I didn't even know he had."See ya' aroun' ma'.He spoke hugging me and walking off my porch into the busy sidewalk.I blushed mad hard as I walked inside my house to be greeted by a hard as punch by James"Who was that nigga?"He asked standing over me"A Friend"I said holding back tears"Friend my ass,You out there being fast,Ima show you what fast mass girls get"He said taking off his belt.I rapidly shook my head no as he came closer to me as I bagged back.I tried fighting him off as he took off my jeans but he was just to strong...




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