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"What store do you wanna go to first?"Ant asked as we walked through the mall hand in hand, Hoe's was mugging but little did they know we are just friends.Nothing more nothing less,"Umm, we can go to any store it doesn't matter".I said,"Ight, come on".He said pulling me inside a store that said 'Forever 21'.Ive heard about this store from giirls who use to be my friends.but once upon a time hoes gone be fake."Pick out some clothes ma"
Ant said texting on his phone,"Um, No thanks this store is way to expensive".I said looking around the store He smackedhis lips before speaking.."Mane ain't nothing in here expensive, So go pick out some stuff you like".I nodded and began looking through clothes racks. I chose a
Couple of high waisted denim shorts and pants, crop tops, holster tops, belly shirts,high low tank tops and dresses, Maxi dresses, and some different kind of bandeaus. Once i tried them on for an hour, I took em to the register and paid for them.

We left forever 21 and went into finish line."What kind of shoes do you want?"Ant asked me i shrugged. He called over a worker"How can i help you sir?"Asked the middle aged woman, hmm must be the owner."Lemme get all the nike foams in a size 4 and 10"She nodded and went to the back.
"How do you know my shoe size?"i asked curious, I never told him what size shoe i wore.
"Don't worry about it"

-2 Hours Later-

I am so tired and hungry from all that damn shopping me and ant did, Ant helped me take all my clothes up to the room and put them up. He had to leave though because he had business to take care off, I went upstairs and took a shower. I lotioned down my body in coco butter, and put on my black fuzzy socks. I put my hair in a messy ball on top of my head and went down stairs, I walked into the kitchen and looked for something to eat. I knew that ant was gonna be hungry when he got back so i decided to make some spaghetti,i boiled the noodles,and fried the meat. After
I finished cooking i made me a plate and poured me some Juice, I went and sat on the couch and turned on the TV to love and hip hop: Atlanta

Sorry that it is super short....

Diamond in the media


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