f i v e -him

29 5 1

There is nothing worse than
the feeling of getting your heart
broken. If the color black were
a feeling, that would be my
feelings now.

Black. Cold.

And I've been trying to get
back into my regular routine,
the one i had before he decided
to make himself a part of my life,
but it's not so regular anymore.

Because you see, he stepped
into my life, and it's like I can't
remember what it was like
without him.

And these feelings are unbearable,
yet adamant. They will not go away
they have embedded themselves
into my brain, repeating to me in
the nights when I can't sleep, he
would have held you and stayed up
with you until you drifted off .

Yeah, well he's fucking gone now,
and this time I did everything I
could to make him stay, I opened
up to him, I told him everything.

And you know what? He still

I guess I just wasn't the right
one for him. But then again I
can not help but ponder on the
fact that I might never be "the
one" for a n y o n e.

And that thought makes my
chest gain this tightening feeling
and suddenly the air isn't so
light anymore and the only thing
light is the sun and even then
it doesn't seem so light anymore
in my eyes.

As a matter of fact, nothing
does anymore. And I feel so
pathetic because I let someone
put me in this position. I let
someone make me feel this way.

This is what I get for letting
someone in.


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