i n f a t u a t i o n

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You sat down next to me
and it was like the first time
I tried a cigarette

It felt like all air suddenly
just escaped my lungs, like my
ribcage had betrayed me

And was now constricting
around my lungs and heart

My heart was now beating
so fast, I feared it would pop

But it only got worse as I
witnessed right before my very
eyes you turning to face me,
making direct eye contact with me,

Oh, but then what I feared most

You began speaking to me,
your mouth was moving to form
words, words I knew you were
speaking, words I knew were
directed to me,

But everything around me

Was happening as if I were
under water

Nothing felt real to me, of
course I knew it was, but I
guess I was savoring the moment

For somewhere in my mind

I knew it wouldn't last

Then I was brought back to
the surface when you spoke a
bit louder and I heard what you
were saying finally
It had been months with you
as mine

Just a few, but they'd leave
an everlasting impact on me

Every time I spoke to you
or even saw you was like the
first time you spoke to me

But things changed

You were only infatuated
with me

Infatuated with the idea of
feeling the same way I feel about
you towards me

It was my mistake though

I let my feelings become
permanent for someone who
was only temporary

I still dream that one day
you'll treat me the way that
you once did

But I know now that you
never treated me like you loved

I guess since I love you
I had some fantasy in my mind
that I believed to be real

That you felt the same about me

But it only got worse as I
witnessed right before my very

You being happier with someone else,
someone who wasn't me

And that stung like the first
time I tried a cigarette, except
maybe a whole lot worse.

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