t h i r t e e n- he

25 6 0

Why can't you just leave
my head space and my
heart space? Why did you
have to make me fall?

Why would you make my
heart feel like it's in the clouds
just to take it all away and make
it feel like it's in hell?

I'm giving up slowly, and
what's even more pathetic is
that I'm still here waiting for
you to come back and kiss me
and tell me you love me.

You've made me so so
miserable yet I still could
never hurt you the way you've
hurt me.

Because I actually love you.

And you just don't love me.

So so fucking pathetic I am.

No wonder you left, you were
just like all the others. Actually
you weren't. You I actually believed
when you said I could tell you
anything and you would still be
there, so I did.

And look where it got me.

I'm still here, crying because
even then you still left, even
when I genuinely believed you
when you said I was
b e a u t i f u l.

Even when I told you
e v e r y t h i n g.

Even when I made a promise
to stop just for
y o u.

You left.

And it was so long ago yet
even today when I look back
on all that's happened I still
have genuine
f e e l i n g s.

For you and I would still
n e v e r
hurt you the way you've hurt

And what makes me wonder
is how come my feelings are
still very evident and there,
yet yours just seemed to have
v a n i s h e d?


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