Chapter 1: Sierra

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1! 2! 3! Ding! Ding! Ding! "The winner of this match, The Shield!" The Shield have been THE top of dogs in the WWE company since they first arrived only a year ago. Dean Ambrose, was the United States Champion. Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins were the Tag Team Champions. Nobody could touch any of them. They were on a completely different level, especially if they are together as one.

They all stood in the middle of the ring and put their fists together. They left the ring with swagger and vaulted over the barricade and up the stairs.  They soon reached the backstage area and leaned against the wall, secluded by a gate. They all smiled at each other, not even sweating their match earlier. "We kicked their ass." Roman said. "Hell yeah we did! Did you see the way his face contorted when I hit him with the Dirty Deeds?!" Dean shouted as he got off the wall and paced back and forth. "It was like...URRRGH!! EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE!!" He imitated these actions with his hands and had a crazed look on his face. Seth Rollins shook his head and smiled.  Tonight was a good night for the boys. Seth was proud of his brothers for another job well done.

They all headed to the locker rooms and packed their things. Seth pulled his two toned hair, a patch of his hair blonde in a sea of black, into a ponytail as Roman walked by, rental car keys in hand. "Yo, Seth, hurry up my man, Deans already at the car. He says he wants to hit up the bar tonight." Seth fixes his shirt and laces his shoes before slinging his bag around his shoulders and followed Roman to the car. His long black hair pooled at his shoulders. His Samoan tattoos peeked out a little from Roman's chest all the way down to the middle of his bicep. Seth always wondered if getting that tattoo hurt at all. Roman was the biggest, muscle wise, in the group. Seth was next after him, muscly, but can be very aerial with his attacks.

An impatient Dean was in the backseat, fiddling with the seat head in front of him. Roman popped the trunk and threw his bag inside. Seth did the same and took a seat in the passengers side. Roman sat down inside the car and shoved the keys into the ignition, the engine roaring to life as he turned the engine. Dean smiled and patted the seat Seth sat in. "Awww shiiiiit, you hear that? That's the sound of beers and babes boys! Let's riiide!" Roman couldn't help but laugh to himself and drove off. Seth shook his head and chuckled to himself. "Damn right!"

They walked inside of the bar and ordered a couple of drinks. Dean went straight to Bacardi and beer and a cheeseburger. Roman and Seth just settled with a beer. Dean smiled widely as he chewed and patted Roman's back. "Come on man! Loosen up! You getting weak on me?" "Naaw, just got a wife and kid at home." Seth nodded in agreement as he drank some beer. "Oh yeah, the little girl. Gloria was it? You told me about her. She is beautiful." Roman smiled. "Thanks." Seth decided to interject. "So we gonna party and get hammered or what?!" He pumped up the boys and Dean shook his short brown hair like a wild dog. "Yeah man lets do it! Let's go!" He stood up and shoved the rest of the burger into his mouth. Seth and Roman followed after and joined Dean in his numerous bar adventures.

Roman usually just watched and spectated the two. He stayed sober so he could actually drive the guys home. Seth and Dean on the other hand were shit faced and hammered. They have been drinking for almost two hours. They hit on girls here and there, but usually burnt the microphone on karaoke.

After another hour of blurred vision and slurred speech, Roman decided it was time to take them to the hotel. He led them to the car and sat them inside. He sighed to himself and started up the car. "Tonight was funnnn." Seth slurred like a blubbering fool.  Dean broke out into an uncontrollable laughter and doubled over. He held his stomach and hiccuped. Roman smiled and looked up into the rear view mirror. Dean leaned his drunken head onto Seth's shoulder. "I love you man." He looked up at Seth and hiccuped again. Seth giggled and shoved his face gently. "I love you too man. I'm gonna go night night now Ro..." Roman squinted his eyes and took a quick look back. "Damn, he's already knocked out. You're gonna have one hell of a wake up call in the morning."

The Champion (AMBROLLINS)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant