Chapter 5: Lima

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That following week, The Shield had to face Randy Orton, Sheamus, and the Big Show(he needs to fucking retire).  The Shield enter the arena, looking a little disgruntled. Dean was being pissed off over small things. Roman was tired of dealing with the group's bullshit, and Seth was just ready to drop the title and become a true champion, but didn't show it. It was a tag team and United States championship match. Randy Orton and Sheamus vs Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns for the Tag Team Championship. Big Show vs Dean Ambrose for the United States Championship all on Friday Night Smackdown! The Tag Team match was up first.

Seth Rollins got in the ring first as Roman stayed on the ropes, and Dean down on the floor. Across from him was Randy Orton, a lean but dangerous opponent. The bell rang and Seth instantly grabbed his head in pain. "Ah!" Randy Orton paid no attention and hit him with an RKO. He got on top of him and pinned him. "1! 2! 3!" Roman stood there astonished as he didn't even get a chance to tag in or even react. "And your NEWW WWE Tag Team Champions, Randy Orton and Sheamus!" Roman got in the ring and kneeled by Seth. "Hey, you alright man?" Seth held back a smile and shook his head. "That shit hurt man..." Roman helped him up, still holding his head. Dean stood there with his arms crossed and got in Seth's face. "What the hell was that?! A one hit knockout?!" Seth growled and shoved him in his face. Dean fell backwards and ran back after Seth, getting heated more and more by the minute. Roman stopped him and held him by his shoulders. "Hey! Stop it! If you're gonna fight, go fight the Big Show. You got that match right now." Dean slowly stopped struggling and got into the ring, shooting Seth a glare. "Pathetic." He muttered. He rolled into the ring and saw the Big Show standing across from him. "This match is set for one fall! And it is for The United States Championship! Introducing the challenger, The Big Show!" The crowd booed him as he raised his fist in the air. "And The United States Champion, Dean Ambrose!" The crowd went crazy for him and a small smirk creeped on his face. He pointed a make believe gun at Big Show and pretended to shoot him once. The bell rang and the Big Show ran after him. Dean dodged him and kicked him in the back of his legs. He fell and groaned. He attack Show's head with punches before being shoved away. He slowly got up as Dean rushed after him. He caught him with a Knockout Punch as knocked out Dean. He got on top of him and pinned him. "1! 2! 3!" Roman buried his face in his hands and went into the ring to get Dean. Big Show looked at the two and attacked them. Randy Orton and Sheamus soon got in and attacked the two. Seth was on steps, pretending not to notice what's going on in the ring. Roman yelled at Seth, his voice falling to deaf ears. Seth rubbed his head and left the ring, leaving the two for dead.

Dean and Roman limped backstage pissed off at everything. Dean had a metal folding chair in his hand and was quickly looking around. "Seth! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" He knocked over a vending machine and hit Daniel Bryan over the back with a chair. Roman was pretty pissed himself and superman punched John Cena. They were like a steaming train with no brakes.

Seth was at the dining area, looking as if nothing ever happened to him. He was eating some chicken wings and had a cup of apple juice in his hand. Dean saw him and yelled. "SETH!!!!" He whipped his head towards their direction and immediately put down his plate, grabbing his head again. "Ah, oh no, my head!" Dean stormed towards him and pushed him into the table full of food. Seth crashed into the table and yelped. Dean stood over him as Roman let him do as he pleased. Seth was looking up with a look of shock on his face and shook his hands. "Wait wait wait!" "You shut your fucking mouth Seth! What the hell was that out there?!" Dean raises the chair and growled. "My head was hurt real bad man! Don't hit me with that damn chair!" Roman pulled him up by his vest and shoved him away from Dean. "Dean, you stay here." Roman pulled Seth to a corner and put his hands on his own hips. "Seth, what the hell was that-" "I told you my head was hurting." Roman squinted at him and took a step closer to him. "Listen here, even if your head is hurting, you fight with us. If mines was hurting, I still would've helped you and Dean in that ring. I wouldn't leave you for dead." Roman left him and pulled Dean along down the hall. He stared at him the whole time he was being pulled away. He threw the chair at him and yelled.

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