Chapter 6: Delta

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Nights that the brothers used to own, only seemed like fading memories at this point. They barely saw Seth around anymore, and if they were lucky, he could stay for the whole night. But somehow, someway, he always appeared late in their matches. It was getting to Dean, and it definitely showed on his face. Tonight, on Monday Night Raw, they didn't see Seth in New York, Madison Square Garden, again. Like always. At this point the two were getting fed up with his bullshit. They had a match against The Hardy's.

The Hardy's came out in the darkness and did their dance with the glow paint. Then, after they were done, The Shield, or you might as well call it The Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose Show, came out. They circled the ring as usual and stepped inside. Ding! Ding! Ding!

Roman and Dean won their match and looked as if someone shot them. Seth Rollins came in rushing to their side with a chair. "Hey, you good?" he asked them both. Triple H's theme song suddenly hit and made the New York crowd go crazy. He sauntered down the ramp with a microphone in hand and smiled to himself the whole time. The music stopped.

"Shield, Shield, Shield...You are the best trio in WWE history. Hands down. But, all things must come to an end. No matter how strong. You know, I've always wondered if anybody from the outside could beat you three. Turns out, with a group like this, you gotta inject the inside with an infection..."

Wham! Seth slammed the chair into Roman's back. Dean had a look of utter shock on his face, and took a chair shot to the head. Roman arched his back, cringing in pain. Another viscous hit connected with Roman's back and made him crumble to the floor. He hit him over and over with the chair, almost as if he were trying to dismantle him. He then walked over to Dean and did the same, but only longer. He yelled every time he was hit. Triple H laughed on the outside of the ring as this all went down. Seth finally stopped, being too tired to continue. He looked at them both and left the ring, and then, the arena with Triple H. All you could see was Triple H giving him a pat on the back, as if he were saying, "atta boy".

Dean and Roman headed back to the hotel and barely talked to each other. They were more hurt than pissed. They were brothers. They were a family. Dean limped to his room and collapsed on the bed, groaning in pain. He felt tears coming to his eyes as he laid there, writhing from waves of stinging pain. "Why? W-why..?" he muttered to himself. He was hurt the most out of him and Roman. He was closer to Seth than Roman. They had met back in FCW before they headed to NXT with Roman, then Raw and Smackdown. They were buddies, just like brothers. Except, Dean felt an attachment to Seth, like, they could've been something more...

Seth laughed heartily with Triple H. They had been backstage watching the way Seth had absolutely destroyed The Shield a week ago. They kept rewinding and replaying the first chair shot over and over. It was mesmerizing to the two, to watch the most powerful trio to be taken out like that, especially from someone who was IN The Shield. Triple H sighed and smiled to himself. "Seth, you made a good choice by ditching The Shield. Now that you're uh, with me, I got some nice stuff for ya."

He led Seth to another room and opened a closet. He pulled out black and yellow attire and black wristbands. The vest shirt was black and had yellow rough outlines of  a man's chest. The pants looked as if they were skin tight and were also black with yellow outlines. There was a belt for him to wear with the pants they read, "SR" in yellow and black on the buckle. Seth gasped and smiled widely to himself. "Wooooooah, this is cool..." He took the outfit and looked at it, rotating it around over and over. He couldn't help but smile the whole time as he looked at it. He gave Triple H a big hug and clapped his back. "Thank you." He pulled back. "I really do appreciate it..." Triple H smiled along with him and patted his back. "Aww, you deserve it Seth. You've always been the best out of  The Shield."

Later on after that moment, Seth made his way to the hotel, the residence of Roman, Dean, and many other superstars. He walked through the lobby and called the elevator. He had his attire wrapped inside of a plastic bag and couldn't stop looking at it. The elevator doors opened up slowly and Dean stood there on his phone. He looked up and was about to step out until he saw Seth. "You son of a bitch." He lunged onto Seth and punched him over and over. "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!" Seth hissed in pain and pushed him off. Dean lunged back onto him and whaled on him again. "GET OFF DEAN!" He tried covering his head as moved around. Dean was furious. He hated him with all of his heart and couldn't stand to see him. He wanted him to feel the same pain and hurt he felt that night. Some superstars peeled Dean off of Seth and helped Seth to his feet. Dean was kicking at him and yelling like a lunatic. "I HATE YOU! IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!" Seth backed up against the wall and pressed the elevator button repeatedly. It finally opened and he stepped inside. Dean growled and pulled away from the men holding him back. He hit the wall angrily and stormed off to the coffee/juice station.

Seth reached the third floor and felt blood form on his head. He tapped the blood spot on the side of his head and squinted his eyes. "Fucking Dean..." He reached his door and saw Roman walk to his own room, the one right next to Seth's. They caught each other's eyes and stared each other down. "What? Got something to say?" Seth challenged. Roman just shook his head in disappointment and walked inside of his room. Seth sighed and opened the door to his room. He closed the door and took off his shirt. To him, it felt the day took forever to end. He put his hair in a ponytail and sat on the bed. He checked his phone and was surprised to see a text from Triple H. "Didn't know he would text me this quick..." The text read, "This is Hunter. I hope you enjoy being my protégée, because you're gonna get a shot for the title. You're in the Money in The Bank match at the Money in The Bank pay per view next week. Win that match, and you can cash in for any title. I might throw in a little sabatoge to help you out..." Seth pumped his fist in the air with small victory. He was going to enjoy this time being under the wing of the best in the business.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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