Chapter 3: India

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1! 2! 3! Ding! Ding! Ding! "The winners of this match, The Shield!" The Shield could barely stand from the hard fought match they endured. They limped to the back through the crowd and held each other up.

"What was that Seth?! You knocked me out!" Dean yelled. Seth growled to himself and rubbed his temples. "Look, that was my bad okay? It's not my fault you weren't quick enough to move out of the way. You saw me coming after Hardy's head!" Dean stepped in his face and cracked his neck. "Seth, it doesn't matter if I saw you coming or not, you can't just carelessly make mistakes like this all the time!" "What! This was the first time I even did something like this on ACCIDENT. Can you process that Dean? Did I kick you too hard?" Roman placed an arm between them and pushed them apart. "Hey, Hey, Hey! Stop it, now." He stepped in between the two and sighed. "It doesn't matter what happened tonight other than the fact we won our match. Now, if you keep having these silly arguments, I will kick you both. Come on, The Shield has no cracks. Alright?" Roman held out his fist in the middle. Seth slowly put his fist next to Roman's. Dean stared at them both. "Shield has no cracks eh?" He put his fist next to Roman's and smiled. "Are we good now?" Roman asked. "Yeah..." Seth answered. "Dean? You good?" Dean smiled like a little kid in a candy shop, his dimples showing on his face. "Yep, just fine Roman."

Dean sat in his hotel room in Dallas, Texas. There was a show there tomorrow night for Monday Night Raw. He was scrolling through the internet on his phone. He was looking at different types of swords and found interest in a sword called, "Autumn Dao". He was interrupted by a text from Seth. "Yo, got time to grab McDonalds with me? Roman is busy skyping his daughter." Dean smiled to himself. He thought Gloria was the most precious thing in the world. She was like his little sister. "Aw, that's adorable.  Yeah sure man." "Alright, meet me in the lobby, ya lunatic."

Seth wasn't gonna lie, he found Gloria very adorable himself. She was like the sister he never had.  He put on a black tanktop and some black pants. He put on black boots and headed down to the lobby. He jingled his car keys in his hand as Dean came from the elevator. "Ready?" Seth asked. "Yep." Dean had on a leather jacket and pants, along with converses on his feet. Seth figured he didn't wear anything under his jacket, especially since it's the beginning of June. They reached his black Mustang Boss 302 out in the parking lot and Dean whistled. "Well! Isn't she a beauty." Seth smirked and unlocked the car. "Oh yeah. Expensive as hell though."

They pulled up into the drive thru and ordered for themselves and for Roman. He  came to the window to pay and receive his food and was met with a girl who freaked out at the sight of Dean and Seth. Dean chuckled to himself, while Seth was smiling. "Oh my god! It's The Shield!" She was jumping for joy and nearly screamed. Seth held out his hand. "Calm down, we are just wrestlers. Can I please get the order?" "Why yes you can! S-sorry."

They returned to the hotel and brought Roman his food. By this time, he was already done skyping his little girl. "Oh? This for me? Why thank you. Didn't have to though." Seth chuckled and sat on the bed. Dean made his way to a table and turned on the lamp. "So, about the show tomorrow night, I'm thinking Seth and I should face the Hardy Boyz. What do you think of that Roman?" He chewed into a burger and nodded his head slowly. "Sounds like a great idea." Dean smiled and pumped his fist into the air. "Yeah! Seth, prepare yourself for some domination."

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