the aftermath of the attack

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      The clan sat around the dead bodies of sharpeye, leafkit,brightpaw and rosepaw.Rosepaw fought a darkclan warrior to the death to protect mintsong,who is now the only elder left.

     bluebird let out a sob as she leaned against her mate,brightpaw and rosepaw were her only kits.

  I looked at the ground gloomily ,cloverkit and I were the only kits left in the nursery.

       Daisyleaf hissed at owlstar " how could you let them take ALL of my kits?"

owlstar guiltily looked at daisyleaf "I'm sorry,but most of the warriors were out of camp,wither training apprentices,hunting,or going on a patrol" 

       "excuses! ESCUSES!" daisyleaf yowled in owlstars face ferociously "we could go to darkclan camp and get them back"

   owlstar shook her head slowly "we don't even know where their camp is,and anyways they would be expecting us" 

   "so" daisyleaf challenged,her fangs showing and her fur fluffed up "we're supposed to leave them there?"

    "for now,sadly yes" cherrypelt replied for owlstar.

    tears filled in daisyleafs eyes as she ran into the nursery full of misery.

    "did you send bearclaw,appletail,and patcheye to go make sure there are no more darkclan warriors in our territory?" cherrypelt asked, as I eavesdropped.

    owlstar nodded "They should be back any moment"

     cloverkit ran up next to me and sat down as I stared at the unmoving body of leafkit "she was a foxheart...but I don't think she deserved to die" I told cloverkit.

    cloverkit kept silent 'what do you think will happen to hawkkit,tinykit,thornkit,and skykit?"

     my heart dropped "I don't know.."

   suddenly a yowl pierced my ears "snowstorm!snowstorm!"

  I turned to see patcheye holding tinykit,who's yellow fur was dyed red with blood.

       snowstorm raced out of her den,dropped the clump of herbs she was holding with horror and snatched tinykit from patcheye and raced back into her den.

     "tinykit?" cloverkit whispered in shock as she padded towards the medicine cat den.

      we peeped into the den,tinykits spine looked weird as if the entire lower part of her body was shifted to the right.

       suddenly someone put a paw on my shoulder and I jumped "don't be annoying,let snowstorm do her job" a cat named wolfsong scolded shooing us towards the nursery.

    "that's not fair,tinykit is our friend! We deserve to know what happened to him!" cloverkit hissed angrily at wolfsong.

     rockfur padded out of the dens and sternly looked at cloverkit,she was the only shecat with kits to not lose a kit "stop pestering them,get-"

    suddenly a yowl rang through the clan "let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join under the highrock for a clan meeting"

    I nudged cloverkit to get moving towards the highrock . "I'm going,I'm going" she sighed whipping her tail with annoyance.  

     I looked at owlstar who looked tired and frustrated "my clan..we have suffered many losses these few days and we need more apprentices so...cloverkit and spottedkit please step up for your new names"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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