the clan cats and a new name

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    "Cherrypelt what will the clan think of me will they even accept me as one of them?" I asked as we got closer to moonclan camp.Well "I don't know a rouge has never asked to join a clan before, I guess we will have to wait and see" cherrypelt responded with glee.Suddenly a yowl rang out and before spot could react she was pinned on the ground her shoulder in pain from the razor sharp claws dinging into her legs.Cherrypelt was hissing and spitting at our attackers when she stopped.Patcheye? cherrypelt said cautiously".How do you know my name?" patcheye said as she sniffed cherrypelt.CHERRY PELT YOUR ALIVE!!patcheye yowled with pure glee."Yes I managed to escape from the twolegs and bring home a guest who wants to join our clan" cherrypelt responded.Patcheye quickly ran up to the cat on top of me and said "you can let her go now chasepaw".Thanks I meowed sarcastically to patcheye and chasepaw."Sorry about that" patcheye apologized, "we thought you were rouges stealing our prey".The other cat beside patcheye said ok enough gossiping lets go home so you can rest and have a descent meal."Ok raincloud" lets go home cherrypelt said as the four cats walked to moonclans camp.

        As spot came into the camp their were mummers and cheers for the return of their lost deputy.For a moment all spot could hear was "cherrypelts home!" and the "deputy is back!" until a nosy kit came up to me and squeaked "WHO ARE YOU!"everyone looked at me with disturbed looks as a she cat grabbed the kit from beside me and pushed it inside a den.A big black with a white ear  walked up to cherrypelt.I'm sure that my deputy will explain everything on the tall rock if you all gathered under it and listened quietly the cat said smoothly.Immediately all the cats stopped talking and went under the tall rock."Wow" spot said as she saw the gigantic rock it was huge!The rock was bigger than most of the trees here."Come!" The deputy said as she started to climb the rock.Cherrytail told the whole adventurer they has from escaping the pound to finding patcheye,raincloud,and chasepaw. When she was finished the black cat with a white ear named owlstar steped forward."Spot do you wish to join this clan and follow the warrior code?" yes!" I said loud and clear so every cat could hear me.Then with starclan as my witness I name you spotttedkit.Cats started cheering spottedkit!spottedkit! But she noticed some cats stayed quite and stared at them with a sour glare.Spottedkit didn't care though she was part of moonclan so she proudly puffed out her chest and savored the moment.

    As spottedkit came down the rock owlstar said spotted kit your going to be taken care of by rockfur ok i'll take you to the nursery.owlstar took me into a den with moss and the sent of milk, "Here is the nursery rockfur is the cat with the redishbrown fur cant miss her" owlstar said as he walked out of the nursery. Spottedkit was looking for rockfur when she bumped into the same kit who squeaked out loud to every cat that I wasn't from their clan."Hey your that new kit, eww you stink stinky! stinky! stinky!" the kit echoed.SKYKIT!!A she cat yowled that's no way to greet your new denmate!"Yes, lillyear I'm sorry" and as she walked away she said quietly "bye ratkit".Finally I found rockfur, Hi rockfur I said relived to have found her instead of some other obnoxious kit."Oh hi spottedkit welcome to the clan, this is the nest you will be sleeping in with me and cloverkit"! she said as she pointed her tail to a nest with a kit in it.Oh great another kit to call me names and annoy me spottedkit thought.Hi spottedkit my name is cloverkit,I heard you being teased by skykit but don't worry I wont tease you".Nice to meet you cloverkit ,I hope we can be great friends" I said cheerfully.Works for me lets sleep then I can show you around camp cloverkit replied sleepily."Ok," spottedkit said as she curld up into a tight ball next to her new friend cloverkit and drifted into a deep sleep.

I dont own warriors erin hunter does

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