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I kept low to the ground,a female fox was behind the nursery getting ready to kill all the kits in the nursery."Not on my watch" I said to myself my tail swishing from side to side barily touching the ground.Then when I got in a tail length of the fox who was watching I sheathed my claws and waited for my chance.Then the fox turned around and sat down my perfect chance!I leaped on the fox and bit it's tail,I give up I give up the fox squealed.

"Aww cloverkit you're no fun when you just give up,you didn't even fight long enough for Hawkkit,tinykit,and Thornkit to join in battle."

"Yaa!hawkit "shrieked as he pounced on cloverkit."Take that fox surrender and we MIGHT let you crawl home with you're pelt."

"uhhh hawkkit,cloverkit messed up the game and already surrendered tinykit mewed putting her tail on hawkit."

" Really cloverkit you promised that you wouldn't be a mouse this time,now we have to start over again!"hawkit growled showing his teeth.

Suddenly I heard a rustling coming from a bush,I cautiously stepped towards it sniffing the air for a clue to what could be in the bush.As I came closer to the bush,I heard a yowl "DARKCLAN ATACK!kill the elders,steal the kits,show no mercy!" I ran over to cloverkit,tinykit,hawkkit, and thornkit who were staring at the darkclan cats to shocked and startled to move.

Then the darkclan cats started to move closer to us,creeping slowly like we were some piece of prey.First a black tom jumped at us and snatched tinykit and ran away.Then a ginger cat came towards us just like the black tom,I then bumped cloverkit,hawkkit,and thornkit to move and run but by then the ginger cat snatched thornkit by the scruff.Hawkkit,cloverkit,and I then ran,ran probably faster than all of cheetaclan combined.But sadly hawkkit got captured by a black cat with a white stripe.It was only cloverkit and me left,I didn't know if skykit and leafkit were safe but honestly I didn't care.

I ran into the forest with cloverkit right behind me and hid in a bush full of berries in it.

" That was scarry cloverkit",I thought they were going to kitnap me for sure! I mewed my heart still pounding from the horrifying experience. Then I saw leafkit running for her life trying to lose the three cats chasing her.I grabbed leafkit as she passed the entrance to the bush and clamped her muzzle shut.

" Be quite or the cats will hear us "I whispered into her ear letting her muzzle go.Sure whatever leafkit replied as she grabbed the red berries from the bush and shoved them in her mouth.

"You shouldn't eat random berries leafkit,they might be poisonous like death berries."

"Nonsense these taste great how can they be poisonous?" leafkit mumbled her mouth full of red berries.

"RED BERRIES!!!! "Those are death berries they'll kill you faster than you can say the word fox-dung." I screeched nocking the berries out of leafKits paw.

Suddenly leafpaw let out a horrifying screech too,and then fell on the ground and then there was silence......

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