Hawkits terror

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Hawkits p.o.v

I clawed at the tom to let me go,his companion laughed as I struggled for freedom "look at his little claws,ohhh! I bet your hurting him really badly"

The black cat that was holding me sank his fangs deeper into the scruff of my neck sending a squeal of pain out of my muzzle as little droplets of blood ran down my back . I quickly stopped struggling as my scruff throbbed in pain.

"let's go"the tom holding me growled "I'm tired of waiting for nightstar"

Suddenly the black tom holding tinykit,let out a hiss and shook tinykit violently left and right "I don't see how this runt is going to be much help in our clan"

Tinykit let out a mew of protest "I'm not a runt" his kit fur fluffed up in agitation.

"QUIET" the black tom snapped flinging tinykit towards a tree,where he crashed into the bark with a squeal of surprise.

"Tinykit!" I yowled as tinykit fell onto the ground and laid their silently as a small pool of blood formed around him.

"Nightwing! didn't crowstar tell you to control your temper!? now we just lost a warrior!" the tom that was holding me spat.

"a useless warrior" nightwing murmured

"anyways,lets just go that kit's probably dead by now" the tom sighed "and this bratty kit seems to have finally calmed down"

I tried not to show the fear that was consuming me right now,my body trembled a little. Where are they taking me?and why did they throw Tinykit like that?! Is he even alright? I thought as the tom carried me through the forest in silence without a word of comfort.

Eventually,we the tree's became denser in number and the sun started to go down.Usually by this point in her clan the moon would be rising in the sky shining brightly,but the awful trees leaves blocked the moon if there was a moon shining down on this horrid place.

Finally the tom holding me stopped as we reached a bramble barrier "get in and put the kits in the nursery with shellfur intill crowstar gets back"he ordered

The camp was foul smelling and a dreadful sight,all the dens were built out of clay,dirt,and twigs.crowfood was laying everywere,and the kits who scrambled out of the den for a look had dirt matted all over their pelt and scars everywhere as if they were attacked by something.

Nightwing growled at the kits "I thought I told you to stay in the nursery" he yowled unsheathing his claws and striking a grey and black kit savagely.

"see that"the tom holding me warned "behave and that will never happen to you"

I ducked my head,the grey kit let out a yowl of pain and ran deeper in the cave crying "oatkit!oatkit!"

"oh shut your muzzle mintkit,you know the rules" another high pitched,voice meowed irritably at what I assumed to be the grey kit that was hit.

The tom holding me put me down "Go in the back with the other kits,and don't even think about whining or trying to even get near the exit of the nursery unless you want a claw-full of fur ripped from your pelt"the tom warned shoving me into the darkness of the den.

The tom walked off as I stared at the exit of the nursery,this was my time to escape to find moonclan and be with mother again. A chill ran down my spine as I remembered what happened to mintkit and tinykit when they got on darkclans bad side...mintkit was even a darkclan warrior and they treated him like crowfood!

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