at home

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Well I'm f/n and Im 16.. I have h/l h/c hair and e/c eyes. I live with my parents but for some reason they hate me and abuse me... My brother, ash, is 18 and he moved out. He was the only one Who was nice to me. My parents didn't abuse him.. Only me. I guess they didn't want a girl... Any ways my best friend is Elizabeth but I call her Liz. She and I both share the same favorite band, Hollywood Undead. She had brown long hair, and dark brown eyes. Well anyways let's get on with this shit
"F/N!!! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE AND GET THIS SHIT YOU CALL MUSIC CUT THE FUCK OFF BEFORE I SHOOT YOUR ASS!!!!" my mom yelled at me. I was currently blasting hu from my radio. I cut it down and walked down the stairs only to be pushed down by my dad. "Did you have a nice fall bitch?!?!?! Hahaah!!!!!" my dad laughed my mom laughed with him and came over to me and kicked me over and over again in the stomach and chest. My dad got on top of me and punched me in the face. After an hour of being beat I went outside. It was dark out and so I brought my knife. Walking the lonely streets of sunset in la was not the safest. especially alone. I started to walk down an alley way. "Hey beautiful, what are y-you doing over here by yourself?" a drunk man said hiccuping. "Nothing. I'm just simply walking..." I replied. "How about you come h-home with me princess " the man said. "No I'd rather not. " I told him. "I don't believe that was a question bitch your coming home with me weather you like it or NOT you stupid hoe!!" he yelled at me and grabbed my wrist. "Let me the Fuck go!!" I yelled and pulled out my knife but he hit it out of my hand. "That's not a proper way for a young lady to act. Where's your fucking manners bitch!? Huh?! Is it up that pretty little ass of yours?!" he yelled at me. "HELP ME!!!" I screamed over and over again. That's when a group of boys came by. I screamed louder. The group of boys ran down here quickly. "Let the girl go." a tall man said, with a bastard hat and shades on. "Oh what are you going to do about it punk?!?!!" the drunk man said. The man with the bastard hat on punched the drunk man I'm the face, the drunk man being knocked out right then and there. I stood still in the place I was at. The group of boys came down to me. A blond boy spoke. "Hey there are you ok?" he asked me. I shook my head yes. "What are your names?" I asked. The boy with the bastard hat spoke. "I'm Dylan." then the blonde spoke. "I'm Danny" then a man with a three tattooed on his neck said his name "my name is George " then a boy with curly hair spoke. "My names Matthew but you can call me Matt." and then a guy with gauges. "I'm Jorel." then a dude with fat cheeks spoke. "I'm Jordan" "what is your name?" Dylan asked. "I'm f/n... Thanks for helping me.." " your welcome. Why are you out so late?" Matt asked. "Becuse.. Parent issues...." I replied and sighed. "Would you like to come home with us?" Jordan said. "Yeah... Sure." I can trust them... Right? They did save me... I walked over to where that man threw my knife and picked it up. "Here you can use my jacket its cold" Dylan handed me his jacket. "Thanks.." I said. I followed them to a rv and read "Hollywood undead " my eyes widened "no fucking way..." I mumbled I knew they looked familiar!! "Your guys are hu!!" I yelled. Jordan smirked "I take your a fan?" Jordan asked. "Fuck yeah!" I couldn't believe that I was with the Hollywood Undead I was freaking out. Hu lead me inside the rv. "Do you want a beer f/n?" Jordan asked me. "Yeah thanks jordy " I said. Jordan smirked at the nickname. Then it hit me... I'm in the same rv as the 4 boys I had a crush on... Jorel.. Danny.. George... And Dylan. I sighed. "Is something wrong ?" Dylan asked me. "No just thinking" Dylan grabbed my hand an we Sat on the couch. Danny sat beside me and across from us there was Jorel Matthew and George. Leaving Jordan no where to sit. "Where do I sit?!?!" Jordan came in with 7 beers and whined. He handed the beers out. "F

you can sit on my lap so that Jordan can sit down." Dylan said. I blushed and Sat on Dylan. "Why can't she sit on me??" Jordan pouted. Everyone stifled a laugh and I spoke. "Becuse no one knows when your 'scenie wenie' will get a boner" every one laughed at the nickname I gave Jordan's dick."oh I'll get you back for that, you might just get to see my 'scenie wenie' " he smirked and I mumbled under my breath "or Dylan's, Jorel's, Danny's or George's..." "what was that?" Dylan asked. I blushed darkly "um.. Nothing " I said wide eyed. "Are you sure? Becuse it sounded like you said you wanted to see my wenie" he whisperd in my ear seductively. "Maybe.. Depends on if you would" I said just as seductively back. Dylan winked at me "I might. " he said. I looked at my phone "Fuck it's 3am where so I sleep?" "you can sleep with me!" Jordan said. "No, she's sleeping with me. " Dylan pulled me closer and held me tightly. I smiled. "Well were going to sleep now. Come on f/n. " Dylan said and grabbed my hand going to the bunks. Dylan kissed my for head and said "goodnight" "goodnight" I replied and fell asleep snuggling with Dylan.

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