Baby don't cut

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Your pov~

I woke up early this morning. I checked my phone to see a message from an unknown number. It said to call them...ok. I walked out of the bus and stood outside and called the number. "Hello?" the person answered. "Um hi you said to call..?" I replied. "Oh yeah, what are you doing?" it asked. It sounded like a male..."um who the fuck are you!?" I asked losing my patience. "Your a whore you filthy slut! You should go die no one wants you here. Not even you little boyfriends. Its only a matter of time until they abuse you to." it was my dad. How the fuck did he get my number!? I got a new number!!" they won't fuck off!" I yelled to the phone. Tears daring to leak from my eyes. I knew he was telling the truth. "Oh so your going to start crying now? Pathetic piece of shit." his words stung. The tears escaped. "No I'm not!" I yelled. " you are! Don't lie to me! Or I'll haunt you down and kill you so you can finally sleep!!" I froze. He wants me dead. Just like everyone else...."your a mistake, f/n. You need to be gone so the world will be right again. I'm simply doing the world a favor." "NO STOP YOUR A PIECE OF SHIT AND YOU ARE SELFISH I DONT WANT TO DIE!-or, do I?- YOU NEED TO GO SUCK A DICK AND LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" I hung up the phone and ran to my bunk pulling out a blade. I couldn't do this anymore. I pulled up my sleeve and slid the blade across my skin. It stung but it felt nice. The blade cut deep, I was bleeding. I liked the look of the blood, so red and flowing. Like it could just flow through anything. I wish I could be like that. I slid it across 12 more times and my arms were bleeding heavily. I sighed as I walked to the bathroom. Blood dripped down my arm as I walked down the halls. I got to the bathroom and went over the sink. I thought about what he said. They kept going through my head. Pathetic mistake whore those words kept going through my head. I grabbed the blade again an cut once more, deeper than the last. I mumbled these words as the blade cut through my useless skin.

Matthews pov~

I woke up and went to wake up f/n but she wasn't there. I heard sobbing and saw the light on in the bathroom. I crept up to the door and looked at the floor I saw blotches of blood. Is she ok? I opened the door and saw something I never want to see again. "F/N WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?!?!" I yelled louder than I should have she cried harder as everyone else came In. Jorel, Jordan, and Dylan looked like they were about to cry. Dylan walked up to her and hugged her. "Nobody seems to get you, you feel your on your own but listen pretty lady you don't have to be alone, but baby don't cut, baby don't cut, you can do anything but promise baby you won't cut." Dylan sang to her. She calmed down a bit and stoped crying. She sighed. "Why did you do it...?" Danny asked, sad as well. "Go to the living's a long story." she said.

Your pov~

I told then what happened and what my dad had said to me. "Why didn't you come to one of us?" Jorel asked, hurt. "You were asleep.." I sighed. I went over and hugged Jorel. I cuddled into his chest, wishing I could forget every thing and stay like this forever. "Its always ok to wake us up.." he sighed into my neck, his breathing tickling my neck. I mumbled ok and closed my eyes. I was tired from crying. Jorel and I stayed like that for a minute, just sitting on the couch cuddling. It felt nice, I loved it. I felt loved for once. I started to drift away into sleep, dreaming about God knows what.

~Time skip till you wake up~

I woke up, next to Jorel on the couch. I cuddled into him for a while longer then pulled out my phone seeing the time 3:58 pm. Well fuck. I slept a lot today. I looked over and saw Jorel looking at me. I blushed. "Well good afternoon, Mr. Decker." I smiled. "Good afternoon, ma'am" he said and kissed my cheek. I blushed lightly and kissed his jaw bone. He kissed me on the lips for a minute, until I pulled away. "We should see where the guys are.." I said. He nodded and gave me one last kiss before we got up to go look for them. I went into the kitchen and found Jordan, Danny, and Matthew sitting at the table drinking soda. Jorel had went to the bunks. I Sat at the table next to Danny. Danny looked at me and smiled. I returned the smile and took his soda. I took a sip and gave it back and smirked. "Thanks Danny-lion." I said. Jordan cracked up. "Danny-lion!?" he laughed. I smacked his arm. "Fuck off scenie weenie! I gave him a nickname. So stop laughing." I said. He laughed and I rolled my eyes.I looked back at Danny and he was starring at me. I laughed and got up and went in to the living room seeing Jorel with Dylan and George. "Hey." I said and Sat between George and Jorel. It was 4:35 Damn where has the day gone We watched the movie insidious and my the time that ended is was about 6 o'clock. I stretched. "Ill order pizza guys. What do you want?" I asked. We all agreed on pepperoni with sausage. "I'll pay." Jorel said. I nodded and ordered and we ate in silence. After that I went to take a shower when an unwelcomed guest came into the bathroom....

A/n ha cliff hanger xD well ok I hope you enjoyed. And earlyish merry Christmas xD. I hope you guys get tons of hu merchandise and all that good shit. Also if you want any requested Hu boy you can tell me I'll be more than happy to make you and a Hu person haha just tell me your name and how you want it to go and I'll write it. Anyways comment, vote, follow or nahh peace and stay undead my lovely fuckers!

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