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Your pov~

I was taking a shower when all of a sudden...Deuce aka Aron came in. Um..Da fuck!? I thought he was gone? Yeah he was one of my favorites But like...why is he here!? "Um...why are you in here I'm taking a shower for fucks sake!!" I yelled peeking my head out. "Because I had to piss but now I think I can hold it for a pretty lady like you" Aron said and started to open the shower Curtin. "Um hell no nigga you can piss with that shut and why are you even here!?" I said holding the Curtin In place. "I was walking by and had to piss so I broke in and found you." he said and started to unzip his pants. I closed my eyes quickly to give him privacy and put my head back in the shower. How can people be so straight forward? I shook my head trying to get rid of my thoughts. Damn Aron got cuter..."aren't you worried they'll catch you?" I asked. "Nah they don't scare me."he laughed. I rolled my eyes and smiled. It was quiet for a minute but he spoke up. "So how would you like to go on a date?" he asked. I turned off the shower and grabbed my towl drying off in the shower. "You don't even know me..." I stated. " that's why you should say yes. So I can get to know you." he said. "No I'm with hu I don't want to backstab them like that...they're like the family I didn't have." I mumbled the last part. I grabbed my bra and panties and put them on stepping out of the shower. He looked me up and down. " stop..that's creepy" I sighed and pulled on my clothes. He shook his head and pushed me against the wall. "Please go on a date with me." he said. "No I'm bot going to backstab h-" he cut me off with a kiss. My eyes widened. No...I can't... I pushed him away. "Fuck off I said no!" I whisper-yelled. He shook his head. " I Will get that date." he said walking towards the window. "No you won't- you don't even know my name dumb ass!!" I yelled at him. " I will soon enough!" he replied. And with that, deuce was gone. Well that was one hell of shower... I blow dryed my hair and went back to the kitchen. I sat at the table and starred at it thinking about what just happened. Why the hell did he do that? Someone took me out if my trance by poking my arm. " you ok? You look confused." Jorel said. " that's because I am, J, but I'm ok.. Just need to get myself together." I said and offered him a smile. He smiled back. I looked down at the table again. I was kind of scared.. Aron knows where my room is since there is a bathroom in my room. But why am I scared? I liked him right? No, not anymore. I've got the undead..."hey, J..." "yeah?" "can...can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked. He smirked. "Yeah sure. I'm cool with that." I smiled. "You wanna watch a movie? Its only 10." I said. He nodded and found a scary movie and we watched it. A thing popped up and I jumped. "Well fuck." I said and we both laughed. The movie ended at about 12 and we walked to his room. I heard something move and jumped on Jorels back. "Sorry I know I'm fat but your gonna have to carry me." I said. " your not fat babe, your actually under weight.." Jorel said. I laughed "whatever." we got to his room and I flopped off Jorel and onto the bed. Jorel smiled and jumped on me, his hand by my head and the other traveling down my side. He bit his lip and looked down at my lips, and tilted his head slightly. "Er..hey" I said awkwardly. He leaned down and kissed me, I smiled into the kiss. He put his hand on my ass. I grabbed his hand and pushed him off. "Not tonight.." I sighed. Jorel pouted but laid next to me and put his arm around my waist, pulling me close. (Jorel was in only boxers because that's usually how guys sleep, your wearing one of his shirts and some of his sweat pants.) I put my head on his chest, and my arm on his stomach. He's comfortable. He kissed my forhead and I kissed his cheek. Soon we both fell asleep.

A/n so yeah that's a chapter It kinda sucks tho but whatever comment follow and vote or nah do whatever and stay undead peace mother fuckers!

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