Chapter 6:An Army in the Making

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Does it seem wrong to anybody that I thought of this chapter as one of my shorter ones? I guess the last one had a good 8000 words on this one, but this is still a 20,000 word chapter. I think I'm just weird. But you all seem to enjoy that particular quirk of mine, so I guess most of you won't be complaining.

So you finally get to see what Harry's classes will be all about. They are the focus of this chapter, but to those of you that think that this will be the trend from here on out, don't. This is the only chapter where I really delve into his classes, at least thus far. Sure I mention the classes and briefly describe this or that and what they're doing. If you all end up loving these classes and want to see more...well, I could probably be talked into adding a couple class scenes into future chapters.

Anyway, I've rambled on for long enough I think. So let me just say thank you to all those who have left me reviews. If you like the story, it really is to your benefit to leave me reviews. I don't mean that as any kind of threat that if you don't review, you won't see updates. It's just that when I get a lot of reviews, it makes me want to just jump right back into it to get the next chapter out. Alright, that's all I've got to say, so without further adieu, enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 6:An Army in the Making

The rest of the weekend flew by relatively quickly. Harry got a lot of reading done and snuck away to train whenever he could manage it. He found his nightly sessions with Sirius shortening in length and focusing less on dueling. His godfather just couldn't quite keep up with Harry very well any more. Harry used that time to try out some new spells and just to talk to his godfather. He would tell the man about his day and everything that happened to him. Sirius would return with some stories from his own days at Hogwarts with his father and Remus and Peter. He usually downplayed Peter's role in all of the stories, but Harry didn't mind. It's not like he really wanted to think about the man who had betrayed his parents and sent him to his death.

On Sunday Harry sent a letter to Remus with Hedwig. He had decided it was time to start helping the werewolf out. He had some fragile information to get to Remus, so the letter he sent was very carefully worded.

Dear Remus,

I managed to finish that project I had been working on. I struggled with it a bit before I was able to cat onto it. Now I don't have any problems with it. I thought maybe I'd be able to help you out with your problem now. My calendar is almost full, but I'm sure I could find the time to help about once a month. We could meet at your old spot.

School's going ok. We had a club meeting on Friday that went pretty well. I start teaching on Tuesday. Quidditch tryouts were yesterday. They went pretty well. I think we have a pretty decent team this year. Not as solid as it has been, but we have a lot of new additions who are bound to improve with some practice. We shouldn't get whomped, at any rate. Let me know if you'll be able to make it this month.

Take care,


He thought that he did a fairly decent job of disguising the meaning to anyone should they intercept the letter, yet at the same time he didn't imagine Remus would have a terrible time figuring it out.

Harry kept up his morning routine of jogging around the grounds and working out in the room of requirement. Not only was it helping Harry stay in shape, he found it also left him feeling good about himself. He felt refreshed after the routine every morning. Even during the week it left him feeling ready to face the day.

Tuesday morning, Hedwig arrived with the regular owl post during breakfast. Harry excitedly took the parchment and noted who it was from. He stuffed it into his bag deciding he'd read it later. He didn't want anyone else to know what Remus had written.

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