Chapter 27: The Return

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A/N: Hello all, and welcome to the second-to-last installment of Taking Control. Yes, you heard right, folks. Just one more chapter after this. So I'll just leave my fond reminiscing for the next chapter then, shall I? Thank you as always to everyone who has left a review. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know what you think. And thank you to Christine for her continuing help on the story. Without further ado, I give you...

Chapter 27: The Return

Severus turned as the door to his office opened. "Shut the door behind you."

The boy did as he was asked and strutted into the office. The action reminded him of James Potter after one of his silly pranks and served to stoke his rising temper. "Sit!" he commanded. His tone would terrify most students but left this particular one unfazed. A superior smirk adorned the boy's face as he lowered himself into the seat.

"Explain yourself."

The brat sneered. "I don't know what you mean."

"Your stunt in the Great Hall," Severus hissed. Playing spy to both sides in the war was difficult enough without foolish school children getting involved and mucking things up.

The boy waved his hand dismissively. "I don't have to answer to you."

"Watch your tone," Severus spat. How he wished he did not have Lucius to contend with, else he would have taught this impudent brat a lesson in manners long ago. "Now just what were you thinking with that foolish display?"

"None of your business," Malfoy retorted.

"I am making it my business," Severus returned, quickly losing what little patience he possessed.

"What do you care?" the boy asked. "Our Lord set me this task - Potter served to him on a silver platter. I've given him what you should have a long time ago, and our Lord will reward me for it."

"Idiot boy!" Severus seethed. "You did not give him Potter but his whore!"

Draco's face paled. "Not Potter?"

"No," he stated as if talking to a particularly dim-witted child. "And your obvious display in the Great Hall will lead all fingers pointing squarely at you. You act with all the subtlety of a Gryffindor." The last word was spat with malice.

"But I did as I was told," the boy whinged. "How was I to know Potter's bitch would drink from his goblet?"

"Your plan was so full of holes that it's a wonder you did not wind up kidnapping some house-elf instead," Severus rebuked. "The Dark Lord does not look kindly upon failure, but, idiotic as you are, you still have some hope." Draco's eyes lit up as he waited with bated breath for him to continue. "Potter disappeared from the castle following the girl. Nobody knows where he was headed or how he was travelling."

Malfoy slumped in his seat. "Thank Merlin; I still have a chance."

"You're a fool if you think you have any chance," Severus hissed. "What do you think Dumbledore will let you just walk out of the school? Even if Potter manages to get himself caught, you'll be lucky to make it out of this castle."

"The Dark Lord will come for me," Malfoy stated.

Severus laughed harshly. "The Dark Lord cares nothing for you, only your worth to him, and with your cover blown and Potter out of the castle, you are worth nothing."

"You're lying," the boy stated. "I'm a Malfoy..."

"And your father has failed the Dark Lord one too many times," Severus interrupted. "He at least still has some worth, but you? The Dark Lord would use you as punishment for Lucius."

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