Living with them

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Sleeping felt nice, the bed they had in this extra room was really nice and comfy. As I was sitting up I noticed there was only just the bed, a dresser and bathroom. No posters or paintings, not even a desk to write on or decoration so this was just an extra room for no uses. I can't really stay here though, what happened was my fault, I shouldn't be a burden on them.

I got out of the bed folding it back up nice and neatly, I looked around the room once more "Leaving these guys for good...I should write them" then it dawned on me "I don't know where there's paper" I sighed seeing a window, I walked to it seeing it being daytime now, opening the window wide I breathed in the fresh air "Nice..." I mumbled. Putting on my shocks and shoes I had stuck one leg out ready to climb down till the door swung open. I was startled and lost my balance almost falling out of the window till two hands grabbed me forcefully pulling me back into the room. I landed on someone "Damn it, you hate us that much?" I looked up to see Inuyasha under me "Y-Y-You!" I sat up still on him "What are you doing! What if I was changing or-" "Escaping? Mind getting off?"

"I was not escaping! I was um..." "Just looking like you were?" he questioned smugly "Fine, I was escaping, I didn't want to burden you guys certainly you have enough-" "Oh shut it will you, we told you that you have to stay with us, because that bastard would probably come after you again" he said sitting up, myself still being on him, he looked at me his eyes flashing gold "Going to refuse again by jumping out the window?" he questioned. I hit him in his chest standing up "Oh shut it!" he grinned "Feisty" I looked down at him noticing his hair was in a high pony tail now too.

I crouched down meeting his eye level again "Tell me...Why were you guys at um... red eye guys place?" he stared at me for a few moments, I glanced down seeing a necklace pop out of his shirt, strange I didn't think he was the type to wear jewelry... the necklace looks familiar too. It's because we are a secret department that do police work" I tilted my head "That seems like a total lie" I smiled "It-its not" he stood up cracking his knuckles then turned around walking to the door "Hey wait, were are-" "Work" He simply said leaving the room.

I sighed "Why do I have to live with them" I looked down at the floor seeing my own shadow "Because we want to keep the young lady safe" looking up to see "Um...Koga correct?" I questioned and he nodded "Can I ask you a question?" he nodded, I stood up still looking up at him "Is he always like that?" "Mutt? Yes, he is not really a person to get close to" he grinned "I don't mind getting close to you though" he continued to grin moving his hand closer to me, I put my finger on my chin thinking, completely ignoring what he said "Why do you call him mutt and he calls you wolf" he crossed his arms 'think he was a little irritated I didn't react to what he said.' "Well, I was once with a group named The Wolves, Mutt... he got that name because of his sense of smell and hearing" he pointed to his ears.

"His hearing?" I remember earlier when I caused that commotion when I was behind that car and he heard that all the way from his stairs to the house "That's right, even though his eyesight is perfect, he somehow has higher senses then most humans, was born with it and that's how he got the name mutt or the proper way to say his name Dog Demon". I nodded thinking about all of it "Wolf, Dog and the other guy?" "Monk" he corrected me "We were... well Mi-I mean monk and I were in our own little groups for the...'Police Work'  but got taken out to be grouped up with the lone mutt". "But, why wasn't-" he shook his head "All I was told that mutt face liked working alone, but he did know Monk since he was a kid so he's closer to him than I am, I've only know those two for about...8 years? Maybe 9".

Sitting on my bed I was completely shocked "For so long?" he nodded with a slight chuckle "Shocking? I get annoyed with the mutt though, wish I went back to my original group  sometimes" he sighed "Now since you'll be staying with us for about... I don't know till we finally catch Naruku, we need to set this room for a beautiful young lady like yourself" he grinned, I laughed awkwardly "You're so flattering, how should we?" he thought for a moment "When the mutt or monk comes back you can take either one of them shopping, I don't do shopping unless it's food". "Ha-ha alright, I guess I'll wait for one them to come back" he nodded "I have to go work as well, use the house as you want" then he suddenly left.

"Being with Inuyasha... how can I handle his attitude!" I flopped onto the bed shoving my face into the pillow slightly screaming "Plus if they are correct with Naruku then that means I can't leave this house to often... this sucks!" I screamed once again into my pillow then sat up throwing the pillow down on the bed. Walking to their kitchen and opening the fridge noting they have absolutely nothing! "Men!" I slammed the door closed grabbing my bag that was left on the table, I had left there house making sure the door was locked. "Men, Men, Men, Men!" I said or yelled out with every step I took going down the front stairs. As I walked to the town finding my car thankfully still parked where I left it, I checked to make sure nothing was taken since I can't lock my car door. "Thought we told you to stay in the house?" I heard someone growl, I gulped scared to turn around.

sorry guys this chapter is a little shorter, I'm really super tired but I hoped you liked the chapter and taking guesses on the treasured necklace our friend Inuyasha has around his pretty little neck of his~

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