So many questions that need to be answered

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"So...Why were you crying?" Inuyasha asked me "You looked upset all day..." I laughed while paying attention to the road "Is Inuyasha worried about me?" I asked him. Inuyasha clicked his tongue "Sh-Shut up, I am not worried, I'm just questioning" I stopped laughing "It's nothing, I just hurt myself while I was getting dressed" I lied.

I felt his stare on me, trying to figure out if I was telling the truth or not "Fine...Where did you get hurt? We-" "I already disinfected" I interrupted, Inuyasha huffed then kept quiet. To tell you the truth I was really bothered about what Miss Kikyo, I thought she didn't know who Inuyasha was, yet she's telling me to stay away from? He just work for...the police? What else could he do that's even more dangerous.

I pulled up into the driveway noticing a black car next to me "Seems he's home finally" Inuyasha grumbled and got out of the car closing my door. I got out as well grabbing some groceries that were in the back seat then followed after him "Wait who's home?" Inuyasha opened the door to the house and walked inside without telling me who it was, I followed after him hearing some shuffling in the kitchen. I went towards the kitchen to see Miroku, I gasped and drop the bags, he looked at me curiously "What's wrong?" He asked closing the fridge "Y-Y-Miroku!" I said angrily. His eyes widen when I said his real name "Wait Kagome, tha-" I stomped my foot "Oh shut it, Inuyasha slipped and said your name, why didn't you tell me you were Sango's boyfriend! My best friend!" He held up his hands with an awkward smile "L-Look Kagome, I-I didn't want you-" "Why not!" I yelled at him once more.

He looked at Inuyasha pleadingly "Come on Inuyasha! Could you help me please" I glanced at Inuyasha angrily, he crossed his arms "Nope, all on your own monk" Miroku sighed "Fine fine, I didn't tell you because I don't want to put Sango at risk".
I scoffed "By dating her you are already putting her at risk" I turned around facing away from him "Come one Kagome! We were going-" I walked to my room still a little angry "What's with all the secrets" I mumbled under my breath.

I grabbed some clothes ready for a nice, long, hot bath. I ran out of my room and straight to the bathroom closing the door and locking it, I turned on the bath water and putting my clothes on the closed toilet seat. I peeled off my own clothes dropping them to the floor, as the bath filled up with warm water, I went inside slowly realizing fully when I was all the way in the tub.

When I sat in the tub soaking my bones, I thought back to Kikyo, telling me to not get involved anymore with him, I mean it's a little to late for that now seeing that they are protecting me. I can't just tell her that though, "Yea this guy Naruku kidnapped me, Inuyasha, Sangos boyfriend and a guy named Koga (AKA) wolf had helped me get out of his grasp, saved me, and now say I'm in danger" yea, she'll take it real well.

I sighed, Inuyasha said he didn't know her how could Kikyo possibly know him? This is all so confusing...and plus, what does Inuyasha actually do? He doesn't seem that dangerous, if he wanted to hurt me, he would've already tried it, yea I found him bleeding one day but he could've of been doing a job.

I slumped more into the hot water my mind going through so many questions, thinking about possible answers but my brain is just getting fried instead. Few long relaxing minutes late I washed my hair and body then stepped out of the tub, draining the water. I wrapped a towel around me then tied up my black hair looking at the mirror. My mind had drifted to Inuyasha once more "Gah! Why does it keep going to him! Him him him him!!" I yelled out, I seriously could not be possibly falling for a grumpy guy like that! I can't!

I huffed then opened the door to the bathroom seeing silver hair, then I remembered something...I'm not in my apartment. Inuyasha stared down at me while I was wrapped in a pink towel, I squealed he opened his mouth to speak but I slammed the bathroom door shut "Pervert!" I yelled getting dressed quickly

"How am I a pervert!!? You're the one showing off........even though it wasn't that bad" he mumbled quietly after saying "Off" and I titled my head as I dried my hair.
"What did you say?" I asked
"Nothing!" He grumbled angrily "Could you hurry it up? I have to piss" I groaned
"Couldn't you use something more appropriate? And your name is dog demon, why don't you go lift you leg on a tree!"
He slammed his hand on the door
"Ha! Ha! Very funny! Now hurry!"
"Pretty sure I saw a tree just outside your guys house too" I teased
"Kagome! So help me I would break this door down" he growled
"I think that tree needs a friend too, go pee on it and make friends with a tree"
I heard him step back a little
"Fine you asked for it!"

I unlocked the bathroom door just when he started to dash, I opened the door wide and he came crashing into the bathroom lading in the tub his legs hanging out in the open "All done" I said sweetly and left the bathroom with my dirty clothes.

"Kagome!!!!" Inuyasha yelled from the bathroom and slammed the door shut saying a whole line of curse words, I heard Miroku chuckle " do have guts" I smirked at him "Why thank you" then I headed to my room flopping down on my bed laughing hard. "That was to great! To funny!" I laughed, starting to get tears in my eyes. I just couldn't stop laughing, for a moment I thought that it would be great to keep living in this house and never leave.

Alright alright my pineapples! I laughed while I was typing this and I hope you guys laugh as well hehehe, see you in the next chap, bye bye!! 🍍

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