She can be scary

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This is pissing me off, first hearing Kagome say she didn't want me to leave. Yea my mood got better, almost said something I don't think I should have said yet...then Sango, her friend, Miroku's girlfriend then my mood changed once more. Right when we got inside Kagome's apartment we started to argue, I found out that she knows way more then she is suppose to... Miroku is saying everything to this woman or there's something she knows about our gang. Sango won't tell me anything about how she knows so much about Miroku and what we do.

I believe its stupid that this woman even dares date Miroku, I know that sometimes he would not come home at night and the next morning he would say that he was out on a job. Right, I'm not that stupid I know he was with this girl because one flaw about Miroku, he never shuts up about her.

Anyways, back to the argument we were having. "Maybe if you didn't go so ballistic on your job! They wouldn't have to be in jail!"
"Tch, what do you know? Why are you even in our business in the first place?"
"Because maybe my boyfriend is apart of your stupid gang!"
"Stupid! So are you calling him stupid as well??"
"Maybe I-"
"Enough!!!" We both froze and looked to our right seeing Kagome, waves of anger coming of her body like a volcano.

"Look, it's upsetting and all about Miroku and Koga...We need to figure out how to get them out, but arguing about it won't help!" She glared at us both, my body started to shake. When she wants to be, damn she can be scary.
"We're so sorry Kagome...Well I am, I mean..." Her eyes softened while she looked at her best friend "It's fine Sango, just yelling so earlier in the morning isn't that great" Sango had nodded and plopped down onto Kagome's couch.

I couldn't even speak because of how shocked I am when Kagome yelled, think it's the first time I truly heard her so angry. She stared at me with those chocolate brown eyes and I swear sometimes I want to get lost in those eyes...wait what? Anyways, she came over to me and put her hand on my shoulder forcing me to sit down on her couch as well.

"I'll make some tea and get you a glass of water" then she left to her kitchen. I kind of regret not telling her what I was feeling earlier but then I don't regret it because it is not important right now, Miroku would say otherwise but...that's Miroku he thinks every woman is sexy and needs a man even though he has a woman himself.

"So Kagome knows your secret now?" Sango asked right next to me and I looked at her with stone cold eyes "She does...I told her last night after we came here, we saw Miroku speaking to a police officer...saying he didn't know us" my hands clenched tightly my knuckles turning white just by thinking about it. Pissed me off. "He claimed he didn't know you or Kagome...? But wouldn't they be looking for you to? With pictures" I wondered about that too "I don't know...I think they asked Koga and Miroku but they didn't either say anything or come up with we don't know where he is kind of bullshit...and with the picture thing, it's hard to catch us on camera so they probably only know our names"

Sango sighed deeply while leaning on the arm of Kagome's couch "Then that leaves on who told the cops" I glared at her "You?" She glared back "Why you dog! I would never rat on Miroku especially his gang!" I growled at her and she grumbled back at me "How dare you even suggest that". I gave out a frustrated sigh myself and stared at the kitchen doorway waiting for Kagome to come back out. I could hear her move around in the kitchen, grabbing several things, smells like she was cooking too.

"Do you like Kagome?" Sango whispered and I glances at her "I...none of your damn business" she rolled her eyes "Just answer the question stupid dog demon" I once again glared at her with a growl "I might ok? I just know I don't want to leave her side...put her in danger or have her go to anyone else's side" Sango giggled for a few moments then stopped
"Wow you're stupid"
"What?" I grumbled
"You said that and then say you might?" You're truly stupid"
"Would ya stop callin me that!"
"Then figure out your might have feelings and I'll stop calling you that"
"And if I don't figure it out?"
"I'll still call you stupid till the day you die".

I groaned loudly resting my forehead on my hand, this woman is giving me a headache so what it's just a might no big deal right? Not like I'm going to ask her out or anything, put her in more danger then she already is plus be apart of something she probably doesn't want to be in. I like being around her though, she's changing the way I normally act, but changing me right now isn't all the great I don't have time to change now. Especially with Miroku and Koga in jail maybe on there way to prison if I don't act soon.

Then again I don't want to leave Kagome, I always want to...geez stop thinking this already.

Kagome soon came back into the living room with a tray of tea and a glass of water, along with some food she quickly whipped up with all she had left in the kitchen that was probably useful.

She had handed me the glass of water then pour Sango and herself a glass of tea. After taking a sip she had set it down and cleared her throat. "I can go, maybe pay a fee to let Miroku and Koga out" my eyes widen and I almost spit out my drink as I gaped at her. "No way, no I am not having you go, maybe they'll take ya too!" I growled at her, she glared at me with those frightful chocolate orbs.

"Do you have a better idea? Because I haven't heard any except giving yourself up since that is not what we are doing!" I set my water down "Still what if they know about you? Then you would be thrown into jail as well"
She huffed "Oh please, I haven't even done anything with you guys except going to work and helping around the house" "She has a points there" Sango piped up and I glared towards her way.

"Seriously, and I can't change your mind on this?" She gave me a small smirk "No~pe" she giggled then stood up quickly "We just hurry though so we can get them out sooner" I nodded slowly then she disappeared off to her bedroom. Sango stared at me her eyes softening just a little "Please help Miroku, I need him back in my life"

I didn't answer her as I stood up stretching myself "Yea, whatever" I grumbled and went off to where Kagome disappeared too.

There you go my pineapples another chapter all done and finished! Hoped you enjoyed seeeeeeee you again soooons! Hopefully Hahahaha 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍

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