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"Stella, we are not going down without a fight for your custody"...

Aunt Maria said.

"I hope we win. I don't want to go live with him anyways" I said. flipping through a book.

Aunt Maria wanted to go get a new hair style and well she offered me to get one as well so I'm just going to get layers, thinning and getting the dead ends off.

"Well I'm done getting my hair cut" aunt Maria said.

"Nice" she stepped out of the chair and began looking at herself in the mirror.

"Your all finished" my hair stylist said. I gave her a smile in the mirror and stepped off the chair.

"Lets go and get lunch" aunt Maria said. aunt Maria grabbed my arm and linked arms. we stepped outside in the cold breeze and looked around. Her car was down the street and parked.

"Where to lunch?" I ask.

"How about my favourite restaurant. lé bein." She said.

"Alright" I said. We began to walk and aunt Maria nudged my arm.

"Sooooo how are things going between you and Conner?" she ask. I didn't tell her about me and him yet. how did she find out?.

"I didn't even told you yet" I said.

"Just my auntie senses okay well Bella, Blair, Edward, Alex, Andrew, jack, Brady, your dance troop and Conner told me" she said with a huff.

"Oh wow. um me and Conrad are doing just fine. even though everyone betted on me and Conner to date" I said. shrugging my shoulders as we crossed the street.

"I betted too" she smiled like everything was cool.

"Even you? your my aunt, your supposed to be surprised and asking questions like is he nice or even we should have him over for dinner...stuff like that aunt Maria" I said. once we got to the sidewalk aunt Maria brusted out laughing.

"Well I'm not some up tight aunt that doesn't let you go see your boyfriend and don't forget I was a teenager once too you know" she said.

"I know I know aunt Maria, but how old are you anyways?" I said. she stopped laughing when she heard the word old.

"Excuse me, did you just called me old? I like 36. I'm younger then your dad" she said. I just chuckled and shrugged my shoulders.

"Your young" I lied.

"Yep and here we are, lets go in" she opened the door and letted me to walk in first.

I walked inside and everything was fancy like. how could she afford food like this?.

I looked at my aunt and back to the lady that's behind the desk.

"Table for two please" she said. the lady showed us to our table.

"Aunt Maria? how could buy lunch from here?" I ask. I sat down and took off my jacket.

"We're rich honey. I come here very often and I'm one of the owners favourite customers" she winked at me.

"Okay" I said.

My phone began to ring so I looked down at my pocket and back to aunt Maria.

"Are you going to answer it?" she ask.

"Yeah well if you excuse me then" I got up and found the washroom. once I got inside the washroom I answered the phone call.

"Heyy Conrad" I said.

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