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'Marry Early Christmas Stella'

I began to panic until Conner hugged me. I broken down crying in Conner arms, I buried my head in his chest as he placed his head on mine. I began to sob. Conner began to rub my back gently like how my mom used to when I was sad to make me happy but this time it didn't work.

"We will find them. don't you worry" he mumble. I shook my head.

"What if we don't? everything was going good so far" I said through a huge sob. I hugged Conner tighter until my arms went limp and I gently fell into a little ball. my forehead was touching the flooring.

"I think I have an idea to get them back" I lifted my head as the tears stained my face.

"W-What is it?" I stuttered. I got up and whipped my nose just in case.

"I know a few people in Bella's gang. they might know what to do. so come on" he grabbed my wrist and pulled me outside. I shivered and looked at Conner.

"Coat" I said. I rushed back inside and grabbed my jacket from the hook. I placed it as I found my beanie inside my sleeve.

Conner got his charger from his garage and pulled up in front of me. I saw him leaned over and opened the door for me.

I got in as Conner turned on the heater for my seat.

"Thanks" I mumbled.

"For what?" he ask.

"Everything. keeping me safe. recusing me. helping me. caring for me. making me smile whenever I'm feeling horrible" I said. The car came to alive and onto the road.

"Well your welcome princess. It's gotta be better" he looked at me from the corner of his eye and smiled.

I sniffed my nose and looked out the window.

"We're here" he said. Conner parked the car and got out to open my side door. once he open the door he held out his hand for me, I took his hand and we began to walk to this old looking building. as soon we got inside. there was a lot of people in Bella's gang and everyone noticed us as they made a clear path for us to get to her office.

"We are here to see Bella" Conner said to the guard by Bella's office door. the guard nodded his head and stepped aside as he opened up her door.

"Bella" Conner said. Bella looked up from her paper work.

"What happen now? and oh you brought my cousin here! what were you thinking?!" she yelled.

"Bella calm down. aunt Maria, Ed, Andrew, Max, Brady and Jake were kidnapped" the colour in her face drained.

"No.." she said. she got out of her chair and walked out of her office as me and Conner followed her.

"The door was busted open and we found a note in the living room" Conner pulled out the note from his pocket and showed it to Bella.

"I know who this handing belong to" Bella said as she held the paper.

"Who?" me and Conner ask.

"Annabeth" Conner face drained colour as his eyes widen in anger.

I looked shocked.

"W-Who's A-Annabeth?" I ask.

"She is a two faced, lier evil, whore that thinks she is right and that she has power and even she can ruin everything or everyone" Conner spoke before Bella. Suddenly my whole body went stiff.

"Seriously?" I ask. it was the only thing that came to my mind.

"Yeah. she was once part of this gang but one day she took it to far with the job I gave her" Bella said.

We continue on walking as we followed Bella.

"What was the job you gave her?" I ask.

"To be a new reported spy, which she did but she wanted to find out more and more info of our enemy's but she wouldn't give it a break as I told to but she went behind my back and didn't respect my orders so I kicked her out of the gang and from that day on she wants to get what she always wanted.... revenge but she didn't know how to so she lurked around and she found a target" Bella explained.

"Who is the target?" I ask. Conner and Bella narrowed their eyes at me.

"You. our family. anything she can get her hands on" Bella said.

"Me? our family? why?" I ask.

"Just keep on following me" she said.

Two guards open up doors as soon we got by and Bella stopped in her place.

"Look" she said.

Computers that showed the film of everything and everyone that is outside of this room and be on. I noticed a figure moving in the shadows on the top right computer.

"Bella there is something moving on the outside of this building" I tugged her sleeve and her eye grew anger.

"That's her!" Bella stormed to the wall and lift the lid of this red button. she pressed it then she walked back to the desk where the computers were. she spoke in a mic.

"Everyone! this is Bella! We are now under building security because the one and fucking only Annabeth is lurking so get ready and wait for my command to get her ass out of here!" she yelled into the mic. I grabbed Conner's arm and walked out of the room as I see every gang member fist banged the air.

"Conner" I said weakly.

"Yeah Stella?"

"Me and you help fight with Bella and her gang in order to get our family back" I said. Conner just simple nodded his head and kisses me on the lips gently.

"Deal" he said.

"Alright" I said. I hugged him as he kissed me gently.

"For our family" we both said.

"Guys get in here! quickly" Bella called.

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