School Play Quotes

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Walrus: This is a democracy. You must use your Voice
Alice: but, What you're saying is nonsense.
Walrus: Oh, so you understand the political process!

Chesire: We're all mad here
Alice: I'm not. *cradling duchesses baby*
Cheshire: You must be, you're holding a pig.

Cheshire: Now tell me little pig, what are your thoughts about bacon.

Alice: I wish things would make sense
Caterpillar: You get used to it after a while.

Caterpillar: Do. Not. Lose. Your. Temper! *blows bubbles angrily in face*

"There are worse things to hear."
"Like boybands"
*Knight gets up and dances to boyband*
Everyone: NO!

Hatter: Go on. We have to clean up this mess and don't want to be seen with you.

Walrus: My dear I would humbly ask to escort you to the castle in the name of chivalry.
Guy: She hates cleaning.
Walrus: That to. Let's go!

Knight: I'm good at lava surfing and ferret handling. 

*oysters dance to cotton eye joe*

*chesire is invisible except for his head*
King: Off with its head
Executioner: it doesn't have a body, can't do much.
King: Remove its head!
Executioner: From where??
King: From its body, of course.
Executioner: Job done.

Minions: *stands and sings* HE IS JUST A POOR HARE FROM A POOR FAMILY

walrus: I'm here, your majesties, goo goo g'joob

King: Rule 42, those who lose their temper must leave the courtroom
Alice: What's rule 1?
Chesire: Never get involved in a land war in Asia. *pulls Alice back into her chair*

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