Chapter 6

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Heaven Smith POV

**yall see that change in the name**

Today I started my new job at KFC. I had found me a very nice two bedroom apartment with the money I had saved up. I just wish Lollipop would have came with me but she likes the lifestyle she is living because of the money and stability it brought her.

Daquaris  (Powder) Taytunda POV

Its been two weeks since candy disappeared. I know Lollipop know where she went she just wont tell me. she solid and a true friend I have beaten her senseless and still no fucking answers, I even had ten niggas gang rape her like some Spit On Your Grave type of shit but no answers. So while she was passed out I had them take her out to the middle of nowhere and dump her without no clothes or phone. Shit she aint being true to me how dare she keep me in dark about my future wife. I need to find her don't nobody understand how much she mean to me I mean fuck the money she is worth more...

La'Quisha (Lollipop) Henry 

I woke up sore and barley able to move. I had dry crusted up blood on me  but I cant figure out for nothing where I am. How dare power do this to me . I seen headlights in the distance I struggled to get up but I mustered through the pain  to them down lucky they came to a screeching stop which caused me to flinch and collapse from the pain. This guy emerged from the vehicle which was a very nice car it was a crystal blue dodge avenger with a waterfall like lights in the grill. He was a sexy little fellow

"Wha-what happen to you?  Where are you from lil mama? What your name?" He asked in a rushed while picking me up bridal style and carrying off to his car.

"I don't know, Lexington Kentucky, La'Quisha but I prefer La-La" I responded

As he sat me in the car my body quenched and the pain cause me to pass out

Lollipop in MM

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