Chapter 8

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La'Quisha (Lollipop) Henry

After I got off the phone with Heaven, I turned and looked at Jaleel

"What's wrong" He asked

"I have no where to go when they finally release me from this damn hospital, no money, no family in sight" I started to cry but haled back the tears that were stinging my eyes I refused to cry

" Why didn't you ask your friend" He said

"She just getting out on her own I don't want to imposed" I said

In walked the nurse

" Hi, Ms. Henry and Mr. Raglin" She said

we both said hi in unison which caused us to laugh

"how are you feeling today" she asked

"I am doing better" I responded

" On a scale on 1 to 10 where is your pain level" she asked

"2" I responded

Jaleel butted in " No, she lying she been crying all morning from the slightest movements"

I gave him the evil eye, he started laughing

"we will up your dosage for the pain and please try and tell us the truth" the nurse said

"Ok" I said irritated

As soon as she left I turn to Jaleel ready to tear him a new ass hole

"Why, would you say that" I ask angrily

"Because it true, you not going to get better by lying" He said nonchantly

"Why are you here  everyday won't your girl or wife get mad you spending so much time with a women you founded on the side of the road" I ask smartly

He looked and shooked his head

"Just know you aint getting nothing from me if that's what you thinking" I said

he started to laugh really really hard he was basically in tears

" what's funny" I ask rudely


"Well that doesn't explains why you come everyday, don't you a life" I ask

"I come here to help you, something wouldn't let me forget about you that first night I helped you" he said looking down now

I had this Oh look on my face as he came closer to me and our lips met I felt this tingle in my stomach and I kissed him back of course

Jaleel ( Baby Boy) Raglin

I kissed La-La off instinct and to my surprise she kiss me back it felt oh so nice and right but then she pulled back but I was still stuck in the feeling

" well... that was nice and unexpected" she said

she had the most beautiful smile I was just staring at her beauty then her hand waved before me

"Hello.. earth to Jaleel" she said laughing then I started laughing too

" I was just admiring your beauty" I said

" Thank you" she said as she covered her face with her palm

I could tell she was blushing so I moved her hands and she tilted her face down, as I lifted her face at the chin I said "don't hide you beauty"

" why are you so kind to me" she said

" I don't know to be honest I haven't felt this way about a women since my last girlfriend which was five years ago" I said

" WOW.. FIVE YEARS.. why so long? you are a great catch for any women that gets you" she said

"I am confused... any women that gets me... why.. why not you " I asked confused

" Trust me you don't want a women like me.. My lifestyle before I ended up here you wouldn't approve of" she said

"I don't care about your past" I shouted

she smiled but it quickly faded away but she said nothing... So I left her alone for now.

" I am going to the cafeteria" I said

she just nodded but never looked my way. I wonder what's has gotten into her so quickly. I just want her to understand how I feel. As I was walking to the cafeteria I saw a chapel I  went in and said a quick prayer that maybe god would show her the way as well was me. I hope im making the wrong decision.


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