Chapter 10

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La'Quisha ( Lollipop) Henry POV

Jaleel hasn't come back for atleast 3 hours, I cant help but wonder where he has gone or have I ran him away for forever. I think I wanna give this love thing a chance, why not with the man whom saved my life.

" Hey Ms. Henry here are your results" she said

"Well...??" I said looking worried

"You are completely safe from any diseases but I would suggest just for safe keeping to get the test done atleast once a month of the next six months" she said

"Okay thank you so much" I said

"Anything and the doctor thinks you are recovering pretty well you will able to leave as soon as tomorrow" she said happily

"Really.. WOW!!!" I said excited then I instantly frowned

"Whats wrong Ms. Henry" she asked looking worried

"Can you do me another favor please"

"Of course" she replied

"First get me a list of all the local women shelters and find Mr. Raglin for me please" I asked

"Whats wrong trouble in paradise" she asked trying to look sad

"HUH??" I ask confused as to what she meant

"Well I can tell by the way you and Mr. Raglin look at each other yall were meant for each other I was god work trust but maybe im wrong" she said

"Naw, we don't have anything going on" I said

Then my room phone started ringing we both look at it til I answered


"Hey girl, How are you doing"

"Heaven" I questioned

"Yeah who else, I wanted to give you my new number since I forgot to tell you the last time we was on the phone" she answered

she recited the number as I wrote it down

"Excuse me Ms. Henry, Sorry but I will get on those task for you" the nurse said

I nodded and mouthed "THANK YOU" as she left the room

Then I started to fill my girl in on Jaleel and what happened earlier. she then ask if I wanted to come stay with her, I denied her offer by telling her im going to try start something with Jaleel here and try to change my lifestyle on my own.

"Well you always got a spot here" She said

"Thank You girl" I said then we hung up

Jaleel walked in about 20 after I got off the phone with Heaven

"The nurse said you were looking for me" he said

"Yah I wanna talk to you" I said

"Okay about" He said

"Everything that just happened earlier" I said

"If you trying to let me down softly save it"

"No, I feel the same way I just cant find a way to show it" I said

He basically ran at me to give another kiss I was wishing for since the first but this was way better

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