1. Jessica & The Morning

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Jessica's POV: (A/N: The POV will always be the first name in the title)

Ever since I can remember, I've been told I was a genius. It might be an over-exaggeration since I'm nowhere near as close in intelligence to actual geniuses like Albert Einstein or Issac Newton, but I'm pretty much as close as you're going to get at my age. People like to assume I spend all my time doing calculus or finding the cure for cancer, but in reality I spend most of my time eating Doritos and watching Netflix. Either that, or listening to Shawn Mendes and reading fan fictions on Wattpad. Yes, I know it's "shocking" to think I can be a normal teenager too.

I'm currently getting ready for school, preparing myself for the day. I look at myself in my mirror and do a quick up and down, just to check that I look decent. My wavy, curly hair is all over the place, but there really isn't anything that I can do about that. I grab some notebooks off my desk and shove it down my backpack. Then, I zip it up and check to make sure everything is there before walking out my door. As I'm walking down the stairs, I suddenly remember I need to put on my socks.

I turn to walk back to my room, but instead am greeted with the lovely face of my stepmom. (sarcasm intended) I mentally groan and roll my eyes.

"And where do you think you are going young lady?" She scolds.

"Back to my room." I grudgingly reply.

"Now, what have I said about talking back? God, Jessica it's like sometimes you just don't learn." I bite my tongue to keep myself from screaming back in her face. If you didn't want me to talk back, you shouldn't have asked the damn question in the first place. I put on the most genuine smile I can muster, knowing how fake it must look and apologize. My stepmom merely nods and steps out of the way to let me through.

She can be a serious bitch sometimes it really annoys me. How my dad sees anything in her, I'll never understand but I just have to at least pretend to get along with her so I don't get in trouble.

I put on my socks and run down to the kitchen and grab an apple. I check the time to see it's 7:42. Only 18 more minutes before school starts. After I finish eating my apple, I run into the garage and get my bike. I open the garage door which by the way took a long time and walked my bike onto the driveway. I check my phone and see it's 7:50. Shit, it usually takes me 15 minutes to get to school and I only have 10. I slide my phone into my pants and start riding to school as fast as I can.

One of the perks of being a fast learner, is that I picked up all my basic skills really quickly and I become very good at it. My dad took off my training wheels when I was 3 and I never fell once while learning how to ride a bicycle. A video my stepmom took a long time ago shows my dad and I together with him "pushing behind me". He was actually only placing his hand on my back, but he had no hold on me and wasn't pushing me at all and I was doing it by himself. I've watched the video several times because it's one of the few times it's just me and my dad together without my stepmom. Especially when my half-sister, Valerie, was born there hasn't been many moments where I have been my dad's #1 priority.

I finally get to my school "East High", put my bike in the bike rack, and run to the alley in the side of the school. I have AP Chemistry for first period and unluckily for me it's on the other side of the school. However luckily for me, I found a shortcut in my sophomore year through the alley and in the janitor's office at the back of the school. Joe is my friend and he doesn't mind.

As I'm on my way to the door, I pass by a couple obviously making out and most likely ditching class. The boy is wearing a leather jacket and tight skinny jeans, the girl on the other hand was wearing a way too short skirt and a crop top which in my opinion, is basically a bra. As I pass by I realize the guy is Edward Dantethe infamous bad boy at my school and the girl is Courtney Campos, head cheerleader. I roll my eyes at these hormonal teenagers, oh well, while they're wasting their lives I'll be on my way to Princeton.

I grin as I finally get to my destination and open the door. I knowingly walk around dirty buckets and mops on the floor as I make my way through the janitor's closet. Once I'm out and am in the hallways, the late bell rings and I see a few students zipping past me. Crap, I'm late. I think to myself, "Jessica this is what you get for staying up all night watching The Vampire Diaries." I quickly turn to my left, just in time to bump into my Chemistry teacher with a very smug look on his face.

A/N: AND THAT MY FRIENDS IS THE FIRST CHAPTER OF TRAINING WHEELS. This story started out as a joke, but now I'm actually getting really into it oh no. At the moment, I can't put up the characters list (My laptop is acting up and I'm writing this on my iPad) so I'll just write it right here for now.

Jessica Morales as Maia Mitchell

Edward Dante as Evan Peters

Courtney Campos as Emma Roberts

Training WheelsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora