5. Jessica & The Next Morning

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"So wait, you're telling me: Minho said I love you and left school early when you rejected him, Courtney tried to start a fight with you, and Erin confronted you in the restroom? All today?" My sister, Valerie, inquires. I decided to leave out the part about Edward, because quite frankly I'm still in shock of what just happened.

"Okay, I don't know for sure if Minho left because of me." She rolls her eyes, knowing it was a very likely chance that he left because of me.

"Whatever you say, big sis." Valerie throws her feet off of the bed and walks out of the room. Before leaving, she whispers, "Jinho forever." (A/N: It's their ship name if you didn't guess okay bye)

I shake my head and laugh, "Middle schoolers."

I hear her yell from the hall, "I HEARD THAT!"


I was frantically typing on my laptop trying to finish my essay by at least 12, when I get a call. I ignore it, and continue to type. However, it doesn't stop and I can't concentrate with the constant ring and vibration bothering me. I pick up my phone and answer it, "Hello?"

"Jessica! Oh thank god you answered. Have you seen Minho recently?" A women's voice nervously asks. I realize with a shock that the voice belongs to Minho's mother.

"Mrs. Choi? No, I haven't seen Minho since school. I thought he left early. Why? Is there something wrong?" I ask with a slight panic.

She sighs, "That's exactly what Dylan and Thomas have said. He didn't come home and he hasn't answered any of my calls and I'm really worried something has happened."

"Did you call the police?"

"Yes, but they told me that it wasn't anything to worry about, since he's a teenager and this kind of stuff happens all the time. But he was never the kind of the person to do that, so I'm just really worried. They said they can't conduct an official search unless he's been missing for three days." I take in a shaky breath, running through all the possibilities in my head. He's been kidnapped, he ran away, or he's dead. She asks, "Is there anything else you might know that might've led him to not come home?"

I hold in a breath debating in my head wether or not I should tell her what happened earlier. "No, I'm sorry Ms. Choi I have no idea why he would not come home." A whisper in my head asked, "Do you have any idea what you are doing?" But my selfish self ignored it, said goodbye to Minho's mother, and hung up. I mean this is Minho right?


I walk into a Korean resturant with my cousin, Katherine, and take a seat at a nearby table. Being me, I've already created a witty comment for the waiter whoever she or he may be.

You see since the place is called Boiling Point, when the waiter asks, "What do you want?" I'm going to say "100 degrees." Because that's the point where water boils. Yes, I am a comedic genius.

A boy comes up and hands us two menus. "What would you like today?"

My cousin answers, "Yangnyeom Tongdak and the Tofu soup please." He nods his head wroting the order down on a notepad. "I'd also like iced tea."

The waiter turns to me and asks, "What would you like?"

"100 degrees."

He smirks and says, "Coming right up."

I share a look with my cosuin, "There was nothing in the menu that said 100 degrees."

She just laughs and shrugs her shoulders, "Maybe it's about time your smartass caught up to you."

We chat and wait for our food or whatever I'm going to get and eventually the waiter comes again. The more I look at him, I realize he's probably only a little older than me. (A/N: Let's just say that Jessica is  12 rn but is about to be a freshman)

"Here's the Yangnyeom Tongdak, Tofu soup, and iced tea." The waiter transfers all of the things from his platter to my cousin. Then he turns to me and says, "I'll bring yours right now."

I look at Katherine happily eating her food and I look down at my stomach grumbling. Crossing my fingers, and praying to god that he brings something good. I stare at the door leading to the kitchen until I finally spot our waiter.

I nearly scream in excitment, from what I see it's a bowl. Maybe a soup or-

"Here's 100 degrees of boiling hot water." He takes a lighter out of nowhere and lights the burner,"And this is to keep it at a 100 degrees. Your welcome." Then out of nowhere he winks at me. He. Has. The. Nerve. To. Wink. At. Me. While. I'm. Starving. I. Am. Going. To. Cut. Him.

Flashback Ends

"Get up you lazy oaf, school starts in 45 minutes." My delightful stepmother's voice wakes me up and I quickly cover my eyes when she opens my curtains.

I groan as she pulls my hands away from my face and pulls me up. "I'm going to drop off Valerie today, she has a practice for Softball this morning. So, uhm, don't be late for school, I got a call yesterday from your science teacher." I want to take the candle on my bedside table and throw it at her, but I have zero energy.

I get ready for school making sure to leave earlier than yesterday. I make it to school with 5 minutes to spare, but instead of seeing students spread out around the school I see a crowd of students. I quickly park my bicycle and head over to see what all of the commotion is about.

I get there just in time to see Courtney swing at Erin, and seeing Erin dodge her punch and instead grabbing her arm and flipping her. Oh lord.


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