3. Jessica & The Lunch

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A/N: Before I start writing, just wanted to say that I uploaded a cast and I'm not entirely sure if it shows up on all the chapters so refer back to Chapter 2 if you want to know how I picture the characters. :)

I exit out of the library and make my way towards the cafe (A/N: That's what they call the cafeteria). My heart is beating out of my chest, because I know that I will need to face Minho again. I've been thinking about the way I reacted over and over again, and it's driving me insane. More importantly, what should I say to him, what do I want us to be. Before this, we were dating, but are we still now? Did I break up with him, or are we still together? Do I still like him, do I love him?

Isn't that the million-dollar question.

But before I can overthink this any more, a loud voice, almost screaming, says, "EDWARD DANTE GET TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE IMMEDIATELY." I stop as everyone turns around looking for Edward. This is almost a weekly thing at our school: Dante does something stupid, he gets called up to the office, and he walks ever-so-casually to the principal's office. This has been going on for as long as I've been here and nothing ever changes. He can never be expelled, because his Dad donates a lot of money to the school. So if they ever kick Edward out, there goes all of the school's funds. His dad is a CEO for this huge publishing company, which my dad works at and most likely many students' parents work at considering it is less than a mile away from here.

I see a head of brown curly hair in the hall with his head up and looking forward and a smirk on his face. A few people high-five me as he passes by and I scoff when I see him squeeze Courtney's butt. Do any girls have self-respect nowadays?

I guess I scoffed louder than I thought, because Courtney turns to me and says, "Got a problem?" I shake my head, not wanting to draw too much attention to myself. "Yeah that's what I thought, little girl." She shrills as she pushes me to the floor. By now, a crowd is starting to form and I try my best not to get up and go Karate Kid on her. I haven't practiced Tai Kwon Do since I was 13, but I bet I can still kick her ass. But of course, I don't and I can't anyway. Not if I want to have a blonde airhead to ruin my clean record. She rolls her eyes and turns away, realizing she can't pick a fight with me.

The bell rings and people disperse and begin walking to their classes or lunch. I see my friends Erin, Divine, and Thomas running towards me seeing as I haven't gotten up from the ground yet.

They begin talking all at once, "Girl, get up from the ground."

"What did you get yourself into this time?"

"I need to take a picture."

We all turn to Thomas. I grit through my teeth, "Not the time for that, now a little help?" I reach my hand out as Erin helps pull me up.

"Let's get to the cafe you can tell us everything there." I nod my head, still in a little bit of shock about what just happened and very scared knowing who is behind those doors. We walk into the cafe, and I instantly smell the food. I realized that I'm actually really hungry and that apple in the morning did my stomach no justice. I can tell Divine feels the same as she pulls my arm and we rush to the line with Thomas and Erin on our trails. We see Kristine already piling food onto her plate. When she finally get everything she wants, she pays and turns. When she sees us she waves and in the process almost dropping her tray. We all start laughing at her and begin clapping which earns some amused and annoyed faces.

When we finally get to the front of the line, I take a sub sandwich bread and begin putting on the condiments. I place tuna and swiss cheese onto the bread and then sprinkle jalapeños and salt. I lastly top it off with some mustard and a bit of pepper. When I pass the mushrooms, I gag and turn away. How people find FUNGI appetizing will forever remain a mystery for me. I take a water bottle and type in my School ID into the touch screen that automatically takes money from my dad's credit card to pay for my lunch. They installed these earlier this year and it's so much easier than having to bring paper money to school and risk getting jacked or forgetting it.

We wait for Thomas to finish picking what he wants and head outside to our table. There are some tables inside of the cafe but those are only for the cheerleaders, the jocks and you know the basic popular people. Some of them actually can be nice and smart, but then there's people like Courtney and it kind of ruins it all.

My hands begin to shake when I remember Minho is most likely sitting at the table and I will need to face him, but once our table comes into view, all I see is Kristine and Dylan arguing over something.

No sign of Minho at all. I'm a bit relieved, but also kind of worried. Where is he? He is usually one of the first people to our table.

Kristine says, "Mushrooms are amazing. They're tasty, cute, and healthy for you."

Dylan rolls his eyes and argues back, "They taste like shit and what's cute about a flimsy brown thing that is basically made from bacteria."

Kristine exhales in exasperation, "Can you guys help me out here?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Sorry Kristine, mushrooms are disgusting."

Thomas with his mouth full of pasta adds, "I second that."

"Third." Erin chirps.

We sit there in silence waiting for Divine to answer. Kristine coughs awkwardly, "What about you Divine?"

She lifts her head and simply says, "It's okay." We burst out laughing and it's times like this that make me love my friends. We can take something as stupid as mushrooms and turn it into an inside joke.

Dylan calls out to me, "Hey, Jessica liking that sandwich?"

I lift my head, trying so hard not to laugh and say, "It's okay." And we again start laughing. I laugh so hard, I fall off my chair and we all laugh even harder. Erin help pull me up and I try hard to catch my breath.

Once, we calm down Divine asks, "So why were you on the ground earlier?" Oh yeah, I was supposed to tell them about it, huh?

"Well it was this boy's sister." I tilt my head to Dylan.

Dylan groans and asks, "What did she do this time?" Dylan and Courtney are twins, no matter how hard Courtney tries to pretend they aren't. It's weird since they basically have opposite personalities Dylan being funny and nice and smart, while Courtney is a bitch.

"Well, when Edward was going to the principal's office he grabbed Courtney's ass," Thomas makes a throwing up motion and the girls scrunch up their face's in disgust, "and I kind of scoffed?" They all lean in closer to me and give me an intent look as to keep on going. "So she asked me if I had a problem and when I didn't say anything she said that's what I thought and she pushed me to the ground." They gasp and shake their head muttering incoherent things.

Erin stands up and says, "WHERE'S THIS BITCH IMMA FIGHT HER RIGHT NOW. NO ONE MESSES WITH MY BEST FRIEND AND GETS AWAY WITH IT." People begin looking over and look at her with a confused look and a bit of fright.

"Erin calm down." Dylan says. She snaps out of it and sits back down. As much as we'd love to throw a good punch at her, she is Dylan's sister and we can't do anything to her.

In attempt to change the subject, Divine asks, "Hey where's Minho?" Kristine and I share an alarmed glance.

Thomas replies, "I think he went home early, said he wasn't feeling well."

Erin nods, "Yeah, I didn't see him in History."

Dylan looks over to me, "Jessica, are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost." Now everybody's attention is on me yet again and I look to Kristine to help me find a way out.

Kristine shrugs, but luckily Divine come to my rescue, "You know what? I need to use the restroom. Jessica, want to come with me?" I nod immediately and get up to follow Divine back into the school building.

"Hey I want to come too!" Erin whines.

Kristine cries, "Well, I don't want to be left here by myself, I'll go too."

We all begin walking to restroom as I hear Thomas complain in the background, "What is up with girls and going to the restroom in groups?"

A/N: I'm not even sure if most of that even made sense but oh well. Thank you very much for reading this chapter of "Training Wheels", vote and add this story to your libraries if you haven't done so already. Comment what you think is going to happen next chapter, and I might actually use some of your ideas haha. Okay, love you guys! Until next chapter ;)

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