4. Jessica & The Unexpected Turn

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As soon as the restroom door closed and Divine locked it, Erin immediately took this chance to ask me a question.

"Okay, Jessica what is up? And don't feed me any bullshit, I can tell when you are lying."

Divine adds, "What happened between you and Minho?" She turns to Kristine. "I know you already know what she's hiding so don't look all innocent."

Kristine throws up her arms in defense, "I figured it wasn't my secret to tell."

I quickly say, "Don't blame her, I just didn't have the opportunity to tell you two yet." They all gave me expectant gazes and I turn my gaze to the floor embarassed. I mumble, "Minho said I love you."

I thought I said it so low that only I could hear it, but clearly that was not the case because Erin and Divine begin screaming and yelling something along the lines of "oh my god" and "otp". I cough awkwardly and wait for them to calm down. Once they catch their breath, I begin, "But I don't love him back."

No one says anything, and after what felt like an hour a knocking on the door disturbs the silence.

"OPEN THE DOOR IT'S THE JANITOR. THE BELL RANG ALREADY." Kristine who is the closest to the door unlocks it and without a word begins running to class. Soon after, Divine walks out followed by Erin.

Before Erin leaves she stops, "We respect your decision no matter what you know that Jessica, we just are confused about what you want. It was obvious you two were going to end up together, if there were any two people meant to be it was you and Minho." And with that she left me with questions about myself and my feellings.

The rest of the day passed by slowly, and although Erin and Divine acted like the coversation in the restroom never happened, I can still feel the tension. They're my best friends, but they're also Minho's. God, this whole thing is so complicated.

Finally, the bell rang and the day was over. Many people rushed out the door, me included. I wanted to go home and take a long nap.

I took out my phone, played my "Relaxing" playlist and got on my bike. As I start riding through the streets I've gotten to know so well, "Wildest Dreams" begins to play and I start belting out the lyrics. When it gets to the high note, I stupidly raise my arms in the air and let go of the handle bars. I feel myself falling off my bike and once I realize I'm going to fall I curse at myself and brace myself for impact.

I shut my eyes closed and waited for the impact to hit me, but nothing comes. I do however feel strong arms lifting me up and catching me from my fall. I slowly open my eyes, scared to see who caught me and seeing the person I would least expect to see here, and nonetheless someone I'd doubt would think to catch me.

I stare at him, looking at his eyes, then his nose, and then his mouth which was curled up into a smirk. When I break out of my trance, I turn my head away so he can't see me blushing.

"You can take a picture if you want, it would last longer." Edward teases. I scoff and push him away. I was so caught up in the moment, that I forgot that Edward is a jerk. I brush off non-existent dirt from my shoulders and shirt. I pick up my bicycle and decide that I will just walk away from him without saying anything. But of course I should've known better than to think that he wouldn't add anything.

"What? No thank you? I practically just saved your life. You should get some training wheels the way you were riding."

I roll my eyes and turn my head to face him, "I think I would've been able to survive a 3-foot fall." Normally, I would have obliged and just said thank you. The last thing I want is to draw attention to myself, but with everything that has happened today, I am really done with people pushing me around.

His eyebrows furrow together, he is obviously not used to not getting what he wants. "Who are you? You look familiar, but I doubt you're old enough to be older than a 9th grader."

I frown at this, it is not like I'm not used to people being surprised that I am 16 and especially that I'm a senior, but it's not like it still doesn't hurt. "I'm actually in the exact same grade as you, regardless of how much you doubt that I'm already in high school."

Edward laughs cynically, he still doesn't believe me. "Yeah right, like you are actually a senior. Real funny, now seriously little girl who are you?" I cringe when I hear him say "little girl" flashbacks of Courtney calling me that pass through my mind.

Now I'm really annoyed, I have had enough bullshit for the day. I narrow my eyes at him and say, "My name is Jessica Morales." He turns away as if deep in thought and a sadistic smile breaks through his face. I ask, "What?"

"You're that smart ass girl that all the teachers talk about, huh? Mr. Tibbons just won't shut up about you're 'perfect calculations' and you're 'perfect measurements'." He rolls his eyes in disgust, "I want to punch him to get him to shut up." With every word he says, anger boils up inside me and I begin shouting at Edward.

"LOOK IT'S NOT MY FAULT I'M SMART OKAY? I JUST AM. AND DON'T GET MAD AT MR. T, HE'S PROBABLY THE BEST SCIENCE TEACHER I'VE EVER HAD. ALSO, YOU KNOW WHAT? I'M SICK OF YOU ACTING LIKE YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT AND LIKE YOU OWN THE SCHOOL, BECAUSE YOU DON'T. I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK IF YOU'RE DAD IS SOME BIG SHOT BOSS, BECAUSE YOU ARE A TOTAL ASSHOLE THAT WILL END UP NOWHERE IN LIFE." I pant heavily with the big lecture I just gave and slowly drop my hands back to my sides. I realize what I just did and instantly regret it. But before I can even think about it more, Edward takes calm but careful steps toward me. His eyes, unlike the bright green they were earlier, are now a dark forest green and I take a step back in surprise. I put my arms up in defense, scared that he might actually hurt me. He grabs my wrists and holds them up beside my face. I am literally shaking as he lowers his face towards mine so closely that I can feel his breath. His gaze his so intense, it feels like he can look into my soul.

Edward leans into me almost as if about to kiss me. I close my eyes and whimper, this might be considered rape right? But instead of feeling lips on mine I hear a whisper, "Do not think for a second you know anything about me." I didn't breath for what felt like hours, so shocked that I did not even notice him letting go of my wrists. By the time I dared to open my eyes, he was gone.

A/N: WELL THEN OKAY NOT CLIFFHANGER AT ALL. Hello everybody, I'm so sorry for not updating in a while. Finals and finishing late work had me busy and a lot of other things were going on as well, but blah blah blah you don't care. 😂 BUT THANKFULLY THERE IS SOMETHING CALLED WINTER BREAK AND IT WILL BLESS ME FOR 3 WEEKS. So expect many chapters or maybe no chapter at all. 😏😈 We'll see how everything goes. Sorry for the long wait and much love! VOTE (please) COMMENT (please) ADD THIS STORY TO YOUR LIBRARIES (please) TELL SHAWN MENDES TO MARRY ME (please)

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