6. Jessica & The Fight

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I immediately break through the crowd and try to pull Erin away. Courtney was beginning to get up and I seriously didn't want her to get into more trouble.

"Erin, c'mon. Let's leave, you won anyway."

"Oh look it's the little girl to the rescue," She laughs and wipes the blood from her nose which Erin apparently broke. "Didn't I take care of you yesterday?"

I remained silent, but Erin being Erin said, "I'd shut up if I were you, because there's more where that came from."

"Miss Call, what did you say?" We all turn to our left to see Mr. Jenkins. "And what are you all doing here, get to your classes." All the students watching quickly scurry to their classes, and I try to leave with them, but my delightful Science teacher stops me.

He tisks, "Not you Jessica you are staying right here."

I roll my eyes and stay put to await my punishment. "So what were you three girls doing out here instead of going to you're classes?"

Before either of us can talk, Courtney beat us to it and replied, "It was not my fault Erin threw the first punch!"

"Okay first of all, that is not true. Second of all, you were the one who pushed me."

Mr. Jenkins rolled his eyes, "What about you Miss Morales? What was your part in this?"

Before I could defend on myself, Erin jumped in, "She was only trying to break us apart. Jessica really had no intention of getting involved."

Shrugging his arms he replied, "That's not what it looked like from what I saw, and as if I'd believe anything a Call would say." This was the last straw for Erin, her older brother was in a mental hospital for hurting some person on a train and some people won't let her forget it. Erin straight up kicked his leg and walked away. I immediately walked after her in utter shock, she's so free-willed sometimes I don't even know what to say.

But as if we could really believe Mr. Jenkins would just let us go, it wasn't long before his annoying voice shrilled, "YOU GUYS ARE JUST GOING TO WALK AWAY, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH TROUBLE YOU'RE GOING TO BE IN?"

"The bell just rang however, signaling that I need to go to class and I don't want to be late to chemistry again did I?" I say in my head with a smirk. Remembering one of my best friends walking beside me, I ask, "You alright?"

Erin gives me the best smile she can muster, "Yeah, nothing like a fight with Queen Bitch and Mister Asshole to start off my day."

I laugh even with her sarcastic tone because of her use of the nicknames we have for Courtney and Mr. Jenkins. We used to avoid saying Queen Bitch around Dylan, but it wasn't long before Kristine let it slip from her big mouth and he started saying it.

Erin and I went our seperate ways, and immediately as I walked into class everyone stopped talking to look back at me. My palms became sweaty knowing that everyone's eyes followed me to my seat. Slowly whispers sprang up, followed by more.

"I heard she's the one who got in the fight."

"I thought it was Courtney and that girl with the brother?"

"It was them too I think, but she got involved somehow."

"Is Mr. Jenkins coming back?"

"If she was in the fight, what is she still doing here?"

I tried really hard to push all the conversations out, but it was impossible to concentrate on anything else. The intercom turned on and instead of hearing the morning announcements it was an office call.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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