2. Jessica & Minho

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"Why Miss Morales, isn't this a pleasant sight." Yes, because I'm fucking hot.

"I apologize for my absence Mr. Jenkins." I say in a monotone voice.

"Well sorry won't take back the precious moments you could've used to learn about the Chemical Equilibrium." In my head, I retort, "Well you weren't even in class yourself, so I don't see how much learning could've been done without a teacher in the room." But as always I don't actually have the courage to say that, so instead I just stay silent and solemnly nod my head.

I open the door to the classroom, holding it for Mr. Jenkins to get in when reality I'd rather slam the door in his face. I walk to my desk, with my head bowed down to avoid the stares I feel on me. I drop my backpack beside my desk and pull out my notebook. Using the pen clipped onto my notebook, I quickly jot down notes trying to keep up with the fast speeches of my chemistry teacher.

"This state results whe-" Mr. Jenkins is cut off by the bell and I thank God for interrupting his speech. He seriously must have some kind of Alzheimer's, because he repeats the same things over and over again, and then when there's a quiz or a test it has absolutely nothing to do with what he taught us. It's a good thing that I've already read the whole Chemistry book or else I would've failed this subject like my unfortunate classmates.

As I pack up my things, and people begin to chat and walk out the door, Mr. Jenkins tries to talk over everyone, "DON'T FORGET TO READ CHAPTERS, 5-9 BY TOMORROW AND TO TURN IN YOUR ESSAY ON THERMODYNAMICS BY FRIDAY." I ignore his pestering and walk out of the room into the bustling hallways of East High High School. I slide past people walking towards the staircase to go up to my locker and my next class: AP English.

Once I get to my locker, I open it welcomed with the fresh scent of mint and look at pictures I have taped on the inside of my locker. A picture of me and my little sister, Valerie, from about a year ago and me with my best friends Minho, Dylan, Thomas, Erin, Divine, and Kristine from 8 months ago at our junior prom. I sigh remembering the good memories. That was a good day.

I jump feeling arms snake around me, I then feel a husky voice in my ear, "Thinking about me?" I push him away playfully and give a quick peck on his cheek.

"In your wildest dreams, Minho." I tease.

"Well, I guess I better get back to sleeping." He says as he walks away slowly obviously knowing I was going to pull him back to me.

I pull him towards me and bite my lip. "I hate you, do you know that?"

"But I love you." Minho replies looking deep into my eyes and I can tell he's being serious. Before I can say anything back, the bell rings signaling the fact that we need to get to class. I have a sharp intake of breath and close my locker avoiding Minho.

"Jessica, I'm sorry, did I say something wrong? God, I knew it was too early to say that, look I take that back just please answer me." He takes my hands into his, but I just as quickly pull them away.

I answer back coldly, "I need to get to class." I begin walking as fast as I can without breaking into a run as he easily walks right next to me.

"I know, AP English with Ms. James. Let me walk you there." I turn to him seeing how desperate his eyes look. It kills me to tell him what I say to him next, but I do it out of sheer intention of protecting myself and him.

"Leave me alone."

He stops where he is and without any notice he crashes his lips onto mine. I kiss him back on instinct, but I just as quickly pull away and run to class.


If there is something more awkward than giving a presentation with a runny nose and red eyes, please tell me because I doubt there really is. Fortunately, I got through it and besides the fact that I looked like I just came out of a funeral everything turned out just fine. For English, we had to share what we thought of Shakespeare's use of literary and rhetorical devices to reveal each character's state of mind. As usual, everyone clapped and gave me a standing ovation.

Including my favorite teacher, Ms. James. It's good to know whenever I get out of that hellhole called chemistry I'll be welcomed into English.

After the incident with Minho, I went to class immediately trying so hard not to cry, but failing to do so. I'm not even sure why I got so mad at Minho when he told me he loved me. It's just like something in me snapped and I wanted to get as far away from him as possible. It's a good thing we don't have any classes together, but we do have lunch together with the rest of our friends. Oh shit, how am I going to face him? I go to my desk with a tight smile on my face thanking people along the way as they compliment my presentation.

I sit down next to my friend, Kristine and she says in her loud voice, "OH MY GOD JESSICA YOU DID GREAT!" And soon after she whispers sternly, "What the fuck happened to you, you look like a trainwreck."

"Good morning to you too."

"But seriously what happened, your face is all red and your eyes are watery. Do you need some water or do you want to go to nurse? Are you sick, did you remember to take your medicine? Is that why your allergies acting up? Should I text Minho-" And with the sound of his name, I start tearing up again trying to keep as quiet as possible, since another student is presenting. Kristine begins to panic and taps her foot the way she does when she's nervous, "What did I say? I said something didn't I? I'm sorry, I need to learn how to keep my mouth shut."

I take in a shaky breath and try to tell her what happened but the words just won't come out. I could also tell Ms. James trying to give us our space, but is getting annoyed with the fact we aren't paying attention to the presenter. So I take a out a piece of paper and begin writing what happened with Minho. When I finish, I pass it to her and wait for her reply.

I feel a piece of paper and see her look at me with alarmed eyes as she mouths oh my god. In her dark neat handwriting she wrote,"He said I love you? And he kissed you? Why are you sad, I thought you liked him?" I write back, "I do. Or at least I did. I don't know it's complicated." She reads what I wrote and just sighs and shakes her head.

"Whatever you say, Jessica."

A/N: HAHAHAHA SHADY KRISTINE. Well this chapter went an entirely different route from what I had originally planned, but you know what? Idgaf. Please vote, leave a comment, and add this story into your libraries love you all!

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