The Date

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The rest of the day goes by quick and before she knows it her shift is over.  As she walks out of the restroom from freshening up and changing her clothes she spots Paul walking back in the door.  Her heart leaps at the sight of him, and she becomes nervous. What would she show him and more importantly what would she say to him.

"Well here goes nothing." She says sighing.  Paul spots her as she walks from the back of the restaraunt. She looks a bit nervous, so he makes a mental note to help her relax.  She has changed her clothes and is now wearing an Ohio State shirt and black jeans. The red of the shirt brings out the green in her eyes and makes her blushing skin look even more red.  She smiles weakly obviously trying to act a lot less nervous then she looks.  He smiles at her trying to make it more comfortable for her, but it just makes her blush more.

"Hi Elizabeth are you ready?"  He asks                                                                                                                                  

"Yes just let me grab my tips for the day." She answers  She walks off to the register where Diane hands her; her tips for the day. She says something to Elizabeth and she gets really red.

"Have fun you two." Says Diane as they walk out to the car.  Paul opens the door for her, and Elizabeth gets in.  Paul walks around to his side of the car and gets in.

"So are you hungry?" He asks

"Actually I am.   After you left we got slammed, and I didn't have time to eat.  I haven't eaten since 1:30 this morning."  She answers back

"Well what is a good sit down restaurant here that serves a good burger?"  Paul asks

"CJ Highmarks makes a good burger." Answers Elizabeth

"Well point the way." He says smiling

Twenty mins later Paul and Elizabeth are being seated at the back of the restaurant per Paul's request. They sit across from one another looking at their menus as the waitress goes to get their drink orders.  Elizabeth stares at the menu not sure what to order. She is starving, but at the same time she is trying to lose weight and really doesn't want to look like what people think a typical fat person eating a bunch of junk in front of Paul.  She looks up from her menu to catch Paul staring at her with that famous sexy grin on his face.  She can feel the heat rising in her cheeks, and her heart starts racing in her chest.  She smiles a nervous smile back at him.

"So what do you recommend burger wise in this place?" He asks not breaking his stare

"I um I usually get the all American burger minus the pickles with mayo and fries." She says blushing again

Paul laughs his sexy laugh "Now that's my kinda woman. I was waiting for you to say all you eat is salads or something.  It's nice to see a girl with some meat on her bones." He says

Elizabeth's mouth falls open and she guaks at him.  She gets all flustered and doesn't know what to say.  Thank goodness the waitress walks over with their drinks and to take their order.  After they place their orders of the suggested burger Paul asks questions about the town, and things they could see and do not just in town, but in surrounding towns also.   Elizabeth answers all of his questions and they decide what they will see and do after going to check into his hotel.

Once their food comes the conversation turns to more personal questions with Paul asking most of the questions.

"So Elizabeth can I ask how old you are?"

"I just turned thirty two last week."  She answers

"What do you do for fun?" He asks biting into a fry

"Mainly work, but I'm going to school to be a teacher.  I graduate next fall from Wright State Univ.   In the summer though I like to go to all the fairs and watch the demolition derby's.  Plus go to the race track in Lima on Sat nights and watch the drag races.  Then there are the car shows in all the towns.  Basically if it has to do with cars, especially fast ones I'm there."  She says smiling and eyes sparkling

"Wow I never would have guessed you were so into cars.  So let me guess your fav. movies are Fast and Furious."  He says laughing; that sends Elizabeth blushing which makes Paul laugh harder.  They finish the rest of their meal and Paul pays.  Next they head to Paul's hotel where he checks in and gets the key to his room.  Elizabeth helps him carry his bags to the second floor.  Once inside the room they sit his bags down.  Paul looks around the room, and spots the air conditioner, and turns it on.  Then he turns to look at Elizabeth, he can tell that she is nervous about being in the room alone with him.  He feels bad that he makes her so self conscious, because he really does find her cute.  She is so different from all the women he typically meets.  She knows who he is, but still treats him like a normal guy.  He smiles to himself thinking that he would like to get to know her for more than just his tour guide.  He would like to become her friend maybe see if it leads to more.

"Well shall we go down by the lake and see what we can get into?" He asks

Elizabeth relaxes at that question. "Yes I'd like that."  She says smiling

Once they are close to the lake Paul finds a spot and parks.  "Would ya wanna walk around for a bit?" 

"Sure I'd like that."   She answers

Two hrs later they sit down on a park bench still talking about random things.  "So can I ask you something, and I hope you don't take this the wrong way."  Asks Paul

"Sure anything Paul."

"Do you have a boyfriend?  I mean I wouldn't want him to get the wrong idea if you do."

"No I'm currently single.  Will your girlfriend get upset if she found out I was your tour guide?"  Elizabeth asks hoping he is single too.

Paul smiles and blushes then clears his throat. "I'm also currently single."

Elizabeth holds back a smile, but her heart starts racing.  Could she ever get someone like Paul or is he out of her league?  Could Paul see her as a potential girlfriend if they continued to get along so well?

"So I'm getting hungry are you?"  Asks Paul

"Yeah actually I am a little hungry."  She answers smiling

"Well I don't want anything big. Do you all have a Wendy's here?"

"Yeah it's just up the road."

"Well let's go then."  They get up and make their way back to the car.  Paul holds the door open for her then gets in on his side. 

 An hr later they are sitting in his car outside of her apartment.  Elizabeth is looking exhausted and Paul is starting to feel guilty about keeping her out so long, but he just couldn't help himself he really enjoyed being out with her.  He smiles at her an she smiles back and tries unsuccessfully to hide a yawn.

"Well I guess I will let you go in and get some sleep.  I will call before I come over tomorrow is that okay with you?"

"Yes that's fine.  Thank you for the great day.  I don't have many friends, so I don't get out much.  I had a lot of fun."  she says smiling

"It was my pleasure.   I had a lot of fun myself.  So thank you."   Paul gets out of the car and opens her door.  Then gives her a hug and  a kiss on the cheek that instantly sends Elizabeth into a blush.

"Goodnight Elizabeth.  Sweet dreams."

"Goodnight Paul.  See you tomorrow."

Elizabeth goes into her building and Paul gets in his car and heads back to his hotel.  He can not wait for tomorrow.



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