Rules Are Just A Suggestion Chp. 22

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     The tournament soon came to an end. The team came in second place. Even though the Trenton Pirates came in first, we were still happy. Well, most of us.

     Max was sent back home after he quit the team, which left me partner-less, but I still got to dance since the team already had an alternate dance from when they thought I wasn't going to be at the tournament. Since he didn't talk to me at all when he left, or texted me, I'm taking this as a break-up. As for him knowing mine and Mr. Jameson’s secret, there is only one word to describe how I feel: Terrified.

     My mom welcomed me with a hug and a kiss on the forehead. "So, how was the tournament?" She asked as she took my bags from me.

     "It was great. We got in second." And my boyfriend found out I was cheating on him with the coach, no biggie.

     "That's great, honey. Oh, I have some good news as well." She paused for a couple of seconds, I took this time to prepare myself. What's the worst that can happen? Marine guy asking her to marry her? She wouldn't do that, they haven't even move- "Nick asked us to move in with him." Oh...

     "That’s great, Mom. Where does he live?"

     She smiled. "Out on the edge of town, in the country."

     My eyes narrowed and my mouth dropped open. As if my life couldn't get any better. "Mom! That's out of district. I'll have to transfer schools. Start all over again. It was hard the first time."

     She stared at me patiently while I rambled on about my dislikes about moving away. "Are you done?" She asked when I finally shut my mouth. I nodded once. She spoke again. "I told him that I couldn't take you out of school and I asked him if he wanted to live with us. He agreed and he is going to start moving tomorrow."

     I smiled. "That's great mom!" Most kids would be, at least, a little worried about this because they just met, but my mom had a semi-good choice in men. I trust her, therefore I trust him. I think.


     "He's just going to move right on in?" Jordyn asked me later that night.

     "Yep, I'm looking at it as a good thing. I mean she's happy, right? It's all good."

     I heard Jordyn sigh. "I don't know. It sounds fishy."

     I rolled my eyes and was about to say something, but I heard a beeping in my ear. I had another call. I looked and Max's picture flashed on the screen. "Oh crap, Jordyn! Max is calling on the other line! What do I do?"

     "Answering it would be a start. Oh, and call me back." She said it like it was the most obvious thing.

     I sat up in my bed. "I can't talk to him. It’s going to be embarrassing. He knows about Mr. Jameson and I."

     "You just can't ignore him. You'll have to talk about this."

     I groaned knowing she was right. "Alright, I'll call ya later."

     "See ya."

     I switched the call over and greeted him with a hello.

     "Robyn, we need to talk." Gee, no 'hello' or 'how have you been?'

     "Um, alright."

     "I don't want to do this over the phone. Meet me at the park?"

     No thanks. "Ok, See ya in fifteen minutes."

     I flipped my phone shut. Holy crap! I can't believe this is happening to me right now. I wish Mr. Jameson was here.

     I put on my all white converse shoes, jeans with holes in the knees, and a blue and white FOX shirt on. In the kitchen, my mom was on the phone with Nick and I quietly tried to escape the interrogation questions from her.

     "Honey, where are you going?"

     Crud. "The park. It's just a couple blocks away."

     "Yeah, I know where it is. Why are you going there at nine thirty... three?" She looked at the phone in her hand to check the time.

     Right then, I felt like texting Max and telling him that I couldn't go. Then I would hide under my blankets for the rest of my life. "Because Max wants me to meet him there."

     My mom smiled. "How are you and Max?"

     I groaned. Yep, my bed is looking rather comfy right now. "We broke up. We're going to the park to make it official."

     Her smile faded. "Hun, I am sorry." She was about to give me a hug.

     I put my hands up. "Mom, please. Can I just go?"

      She nodded and I left thanking God to get out of there.

     Max was already at the park, sitting on the swings. His back was to me, but I could tell there was something off about him, just by the way his head was held low, shoulders sunk and he was just slowly swinging.

     I sighed. Here goes nothing.

Rules Are Just A Suggestion {Teacher Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now