Rules Are Just A Suggestion Chp. 5

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     Finally dance practice came. Sixth and seventh hour felt like an eternity. I walked to the girl’s locker room and changed into a pink beater and my grey sweatpants that were supposed to be for PE, but since Driver’s ED replaced it they became my dance pants. I took my Converses off and replaced them with my black gym shoes.

    I walked out of the room and sat on the bleachers, waiting for everyone. Boredom took over and I started dancing randomly to no music.

    "That would be good dancing, if there was music to it, ya know." I heard Jordyn say behind me.

    I turned around and saw her in black sweatpants, a gold beater, and her hair in a low ponytail.

    "I'm excited. Are you?" I asked.

    Jordyn laughed and was about to say something, but Coach Jameson walked in. "Everyone, on the bleachers." He said. Everyone else made their way to the bleachers. "In two weeks we will be dancing at the pep rally. We have to have the routine down pact. I want no screw ups." A girl raised her hand slowly, not quite sure if she should or not. "Yes?"

    "What song are we dancing to?" Her voice was quick and a little shaky.

    Mr. Jameson grabbed a tiny remote off the ground and pressed a button that I assumed to be the 'play' button since music started playing. Jordyn and I started dancing when the beat to 'Down' by Jay Sean started playing. We weren't the only ones. Half of the students on the bleachers were dancing. He turned it off as soon as the lyrics started. "Everyone partner up. Boy, girl."

    Looking around, Max caught my eye and he smiled at me, letting me know that he would certainly be my partner. As I partnered with Max, Jordyn partnered with the blonde boy, whose name I have yet to learn. Coach Jameson pressed the little play button. “Thanks for being my partner; you’re the only boy I know in this group… Or school in general.” He smiled at me.

    The couch searched the team and his eyes didn’t even glance in my direction. "Mia, come here." He called. I watched Mia walk up to Coach and a pang of jealousy shot right through me. I looked over at Jordyn, who was looking at me, trying not to laugh.

    "Pay attention. This is the first dance that we will be learning this year." He told the girl to do what he did. It was partner dancing, which is why he needed Mia.

    There was a little bit of close quarter dancing in it and even though he kept his space, I still wish I was in her place. They danced as if they did this on a regular basis, which just made me feel worse.

    Dance class was finally over and I was struggling with the moves hard. I grabbed my duffle bag and walked out of the locker room. I decided to cut through the gym, since I saw Coach in there and it was a shorter way to my mom’s car.

    "Hey Robyn." He greeted.

    I smiled, happy and surprised that he called me over. "Hey."

    "How did you like practice today?"

    I frowned. "Well, it’s an awesome dance and all, but I just need to practice some more to get it all down."

    He nodded. "Yeah I saw you having problems with Max."

    I bit my lower lip. "Sorry, Coach. I'll practice twice as hard so I won't screw up at the pep rally."

    He stared at me thoughtfully. "You know, if you want, I'm staying after school on Thursday so I can give you some extra help. Only if you would like, though."

    "But we don't have practice on Thursdays." I wondered aloud.

    "This is why I’m letting you know I’ll be here if you want my help." He explained.

    I nodded without thinking twice. "Yeah, that'll help me out a lot." I tried very hard to keep my smile under wraps, but couldn’t keep the thought of him and I alone in the same gym dancing.

    He smiled. "Alright, I will see you tomorrow for Driver's ED."


    I found myself disappointed when I saw that the kid who wasn't here for the last two days, was sitting in the front desk that I would normally take. I walked fully in and saw Mr. Jameson typing on his computer just like he was on my first day. Mr. Jameson looked at me and I spotted him with a slight frown.

    "Hey Robyn. How’s it going?” Jeremiah asked me.

    All I could muster was a small, “Good.” I felt disappointed as I slumped in my desk and waited. Today was a bad day.

Rules Are Just A Suggestion {Teacher Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now