Rules Are Just A Suggestion Chp. 8

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    We managed to reach a Huck's gas station and Mr. Jameson called the school through the pay phone. "They're on their way." He sighed.

    I bit my lower lip. "How much trouble am I going to be in?"

    He looked at me incredulously. "You're not in trouble."

    "I wrecked the car!” I objected.

    "You gave it a flat tire, big whoop, it wasn't your fault."

    I huffed. "I got to take some blame of it."

    "Do you want to get in trouble?"

    I shook my head. "Of course not, but what happened earlier... that could get us in trouble."

    He looked away, frowning. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, guess I got caught up in the moment." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I just didn't like seeing you upset."

    "I know I could take part of the blame there." I murmured. "I should've pulled away."

    He sighed deeply. "I'll understand if you want to tell the school about this."

    I snapped my head up. "I'm not going to do that! You'll lose your job!"

    He met my gaze steadily. "I should lose my job, Robyn. I kissed one of my students!" He lowered his voice. "I just broke one of the most important rules to being a teacher!"

"So what, no one knows that! It’s not like we had sex in the car or anything," I willed my voice not to shake. "You're not losing your job because of a stupid mistake!"

    Without warning Mr. Jameson brought his hand to the side of my face and stroked my cheek gently. "Robyn, it was a mistake, yes, but it was not a stupid one.” He brought his hand down with a heavy sigh. “But it can’t happen again and it won’t.”


    Mr. Richards -another Driver's ED teacher- came to pick us up twenty minutes later and to my embarrassment so was Mr. Jones -The school principle.-

    "So who wants to explain what happened?" Asked Mr. Jones.

     I felt my blood rush to my cheeks, but luckily Mr. Jameson answered. "Some idiot driver almost hit us and we ran over a broken bottle and got a flat."

     Mr. Jones laughed and Mr. Richards snorted.

     "All in all though, it wasn't Robyn's fault and we’re both okay." Mr. Jameson continued. "I'll pay for the damage done to the car."

     I shot him a disapproving look but ignored it.

     "Nonsense we have insurance for that." Mr. Jones said. "Anything else I should know about?"

     This time I met Mr. Jameson eye for a split second. He remained quiet, as if waiting for me to speak. By this point all I kept repeating over and over in my head was: he knows, he knows. We’re screwed.

     "No sir." I told him steadily. "Everything is fine."


     As the rest of the school day fell to an end, my feelings were anything but containable. My nerves of having a one-on-one class with Mr. Jameson sent my stomach into flips. The kiss we shared was amazing and made me smile every time I replied it in my mind. The odd thing is, I didn’t once feel angry for that other driver, if anything I would thank him if I could.

     After the class finished the Chemistry lesson early, the teacher let us light gas bubbles on fire; which for the most part was a blast and helped ease my mind of all the emotions that occupied it. I met up with Jordyn afterwards.

     “Want to come over? My dad is making his famous beef tacos.” Mr. Taylor did make the greatest tacos on earth. He really digs into his Puerto Rican roots and unravels heaven on a plate.

     I smiled, “Sure, but I am going to be a little late. Mr. Jameson wants to help me out with some of the moves that I am not getting.”

     Her eyes went wide, “You better come straight to my house after and give me all the details.”

     Laughing I walked away shaking my head. Jordyn sure was something else at times. I went to my locker room and grabbed my duffle bag. Once I entered the gym, I didn’t see Mr. Jameson in sight. I took a seat on the first row of the bleachers and waited.

     After fifteen minutes had gone by I was about to give up, when I heard, “Robyn, what are you doing here?”

     “I thought you wanted to help me with the choreography.” I answered, not even having to look at the man to know who it was.

     He set right by me and said, “I am so sorry I forgot. With all the commotion that happened today, it must have slipped my mind.”

     I grabbed my duffle bag and went to the door, “Its fine. Don’t worry about it.” And I left.

Rules Are Just A Suggestion {Teacher Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now