Chapter 1 - The Bus Stop

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This is my story of being adopted from China. I wanted to write something that means a lot to me and that it's a touchy, subject that isn't wrote about often. Most events in this story are mostly things that happened in my life growing up and such.  Names have been changed for privacy.

Excuse grammar or other errors..and if there's Chinese, look at the top...there should be a definition for you guys! If you guys have any suggestions, please mail me or something, it'd be appreciated since I'm pretty new to writing. 

Enjoy! (:


This is my new blog!

In this blog I'll tell the truth vs. fiction chapter by chapter. Check it out if you want! :3

*Chinese word meanings are located at the top*

Wǒ shì shuí = who me?  

Nǐ hǎo xiǎo nǚhái = Hello little lady         

Wǒ de míngzì shì = My name is


Chapter 1

     In the distance, I could hear a roar moving my way. I wasn’t sure what it was. I decided to stand on my tippy toes trying to see over the tall walls of cardboard. My black rim glasses were fogging up from the humidity and rain. I couldn’t tell what it was, but it looked like a bus coming my way.

          The bus came to a screeching halt. It was a big green city bus. On the side it had Chinese characters that said, “WengCheng Chicken! Only $1.99!” My stomach started to grumble by looking at the delicious chicken picture. In the windows I could see faces staring at me, whispering to each other probably. I started to lower myself back into my box when a bald, fat, old man opened the doors and shouted, “Hey kid!”

          “Wǒ shì shuí?” I replied?

            “Yes you kid. What are you doing out here in the rain in a box? Where’s your parents kid?” He shouted back through the pouring rain.

            “My parents told me to wait here sir. They said that this box would protect me.” All I could think of is why does he keep calling me kid? Oh wait, I haven’t told him my name yet, silly me.

           “Are you crazy? Why would your parents leave you here.” he exclaimed, “Never mind that. How long have you been sitting out here in the rain? You’re going to get a cold if you stay out here much longer”

            “I’m not really sure, sir. Uh, maybe a day or two? I don’t remember, but I’m starving right now.”

            “What?! I’m calling the police right now. Maybe they’ll bring some food with them.”

            He shut the doors and dialed the police on his cell phone. After a few minutes I heard police sirens coming this way. The black and white car stopped behind the bus. Two men go out from the car. They were both wearing a black and blue outfit, typically of a police man. I clutched my panda when they came near.

            “Nǐ hǎo xiǎo nǚhái. What’s your name?” The taller cop questioned me with a smile on his face. As he smiled his eyes became smaller and wrinkles appeared next to them. His new name was Mr. Wrinkle. The shorter police officer was standing in the back silently taking notes while drinking his coffee.

            “Nǐ hǎo, Wǒ de míngzì shì Mingyu!” I replied

            “How old are you, Mingyu?” Mr. Wrinkle asked.

            “I’m 6 years old Mr. Wrinkle.” I giggled. He just smiled and rubbed my soaked hair. He stood up and wrapped his arms around me, my blanket, and Piao, taking me out of the box. His hands were so warm. I hung on never wanting to let go. Mr. Wrinkle grabbed a bag of cookies from the shorter guy and gave them to me.

“Here you go, you must be starving. Poor kid.” Mr. Wrinkle said. The shorter guy walked up to me and put an umbrella over me to protect me from the rain. Mr. Wrinkle walked to the bus driver questioning him. After a short time, he came back and said, “We’re going to take you to a nice, dry place for you to stay until your parents come back.”

           In the car, it was nice and cozy. I looked through the window seeing Guangzhou crowded. The lights illuminated the streets. On the sidewalks were people walking while others were running and talking on their phones.

            “I’m tired.” I said after yawning.

            “Take a nap little one. It’ll be a while until we get there.” Mr. Wrinkle reassured me. I slowly start to drift off. In my dreams I dreamt about being back home with my family. My mom, Mei, is cooking us my favorite dinner, wonton soup with rice on the side and vegetables while my dad, Longwei, setting up the table for us. Then there are my two annoying brothers, Huang and Hung, playing tag outside. At the table, we bowed our heads and thanked for our food. My brothers were messy. Slurping their food and eating with their hands.

          "Stop eating with your hands boys!" Mother scolded.

          "Sorry mom." Both replying in sync. 

            My dream ended when I woke up to a soft tap on my knee. Mr. Wrinkle turned around and softly said while smiling, “We’re here.”

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