Chapter 4 - Punishement

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I hope that the small hand of people reading this, like it… Any suggestions, let me know~!

**Chinese meanings are at the top**

Nǐ hǎo = hello



Just as I was about to take a shower, I hear someone call my name.




Each time my name was called for, it got louder and closer to me. I started to get chills up my spine.

I hear a footstep behind.

“Mingyu.” This time my name was called at a normal tone.

I turned around. Standing behind me was Yin staring straight at me with an evil look.

            “I would like to have a talk with you…NOW!” She exclaimed.

            My heart started to race again and I was scared. I quickly dressed myself and followed Yin. She took me to a room that I have not been too. Inside there was a plastic chair, a small desk, and a table with a few books on it.


As I sat down, Yin locked the door behind me.

“Do you know why you’re in here?” Yin questioned me.

“Not exactly, did I do something wrong?”

            “Yes, you did and I’m NOT happy about it.”

            Acting puzzled, I asked, “And what exactly did I do?”

“Remember this morning when I had announced that somebody had broken the ladies faucet in the restroom?”

            Acting puzzled again, “I remember that of course, but what does this have to do with me?”

“Oh, it has a lot to do with you hun. Someone, who would like to stay anonymous, told me that she saw you broke the faucet and hid it in your pocket. Is that right? Did you lie to me? I don’t like liars, Mingyu. Liars get punished.”

“Yes, that’s right. I didn’t mean to, really. It broke when I turned it on. I wasn’t lying to you, I was afraid I’d get in trouble.”

            “Damn right you would. Now give me that faucet back. It’s in your pocket, don’t deny it.”     

I handed over the broken faucet. Yin forcefully grabbed it out of my hand and slammed in the desk.

“Now you’re going to get punished. Don’t you ever lie to me again, you hear?!” Yin shouted.

            “Y…y…es.” I stuttered.

            She grabbed my hand and threw me down on the desk. Yin took out a large wooden stick. She slowly started walking toward me tapping the stick on the floor. Each tap made me flinch.

            “This is part of your punishment, Mingyu.” Yin voice echoed.


“One!” The stick hit my backside. I screamed in pain. I could feel a burning sensation.

            “Shut up! Two!”

Again, more burning sensation

            “Three, four, five, six, seven, eight…”

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