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Authors Notes:
This story picks up around two years into Bellatirx's marriage to Rodolphus and around a few months into Lucius' marriage to Narcissa. For more backstory on Bellatrix and Lucius' relationship read my other work The Madness Of Bellatrix Lestrange before reading this so you can better appreciate the dynamic between them .

At this moment they'd just returned from a 3 day trip to Spain. Lucius having told Narcissa he had Death Eater training all weekend and Bellatrix having no need for an excuse because Rodolphus was to be away for the full three days on a mission. Or so she thought.

I own nothing of these characters though I've become quite attached. Queen JK Rowling owns it all. Wattpad user pvrebloodlucius helped write this , he does Lucius and Narcissa POV . I've tidied it all up a bit from our original role play format from our Instagram accounts to make it a story format. You can follow us both on Instagram @pvrebloodbellatrixxy and @pvrebloodlucius. Our accounts are quite entertaining. Leave comments and vote please 😘. I may eventually revise and add more backstory here but for now this was an interesting point to begin.

She'd woken up confused and yelled out in pain before stifling her noise by biting on her hand. If he were still here she didn't want to rouse him, notify him she was awake. It was nearly 3am -she was able to just barely make that out on the clock.

If he'd gotten home at 12am she'd likely been blacked out for 1 hour after- ... She grabbed her head as an exploding pain shot through. Her mouth betrayed her with a soft moan as her eyes, or eye , one had already swollen shut, went black, victims of the time she'd endured at his rough hands.

3:10, she'd passed out for another 15 minutes or so. She needed to leave but where to go?

Andie was gone, Sirius not speaking to her. She'd only one option. She and her sisters had always promised no matter what they'd make their homes available to each other in time of need. She'd hoped her daft baby sister had remembered to add a loophole in the wards at her home- as Bella had done for her and Andie , and honestly Reg and Siri as well - despite how dangerous it could be for the latter to apparate in- for both of them.

She murmured accio wand on bloodied swollen lips and hoped against hope he hadn't broken that too as he had , she guessed , at least a rib or two.

She'd have cried for joy when the familiar wood smacked against her palm , had she been able too. Instead the tears welled up in the slit that passed for an open eye. "Suck it up Bella - At least You can see from one" she told herself .

She grabbed at the bed beside her and pulled herself agonisingly to standing . "And an ankle" she added to her growing list of suspected breaks as the searing pain shot up her leg and she bit her lip to not scream, immediately regretting doing so as blood ran anew from the wound that had just barely managed to stem the tide moments before her waking.

It mattered little , her short thin white night gown was now clinging to her body stained wet in various shades of red and pink, also what her nose told her was brandy.

His favourite indulgence after a mission.

She felt blood run down her leg and her stomach twisted as she stood- on just one leg now - conjuring up images of what must have happened to her to cause that . Something her mind was mercifully keeping hidden from her for now.

She breathed in and with the little strength she had apparated herself to Malfoy Manor .

To her sister.

Her brain too far gone to analyse the situation to even give rise to the jealousy that had gnawed at her since the betrothal had been announced a couple years prior. To imagine the fact that she'd be apparating into their home at night where they lay in bed together. That merlin knew what she could be interrupting . All she could focus on was that Cissy was at least moderately skilled at healing charms and ever since Lucius took the mark his pretty little wife had ridiculously and neurotically stocked the manor with potions and elixirs to nearly rival Mungos.

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