Morning Visitor

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Narcissa had finished tending to her sisters wounds after an hour or so, taking time to carefully put everything right. Lucius stood waiting outside the room, not wanting to stray too far away from Bellatrix.

"That's the best I can do. I hope you feel better, Bellatrix. "Her voice full of hope and concern for her sister.

Bella felt weak and tired "Thank you Cissy. I'm sorry for coming here like this. I didn't know where to go"

"Bellatrix, you know you're always welcome here.  You should get some sleep." She started pulling the bed covers around her.

"Thank you" Bellatrix whispered as she closed her eyes – the need for sleep stronger than her guilt. She suspected one of the potions Narcissa had given her was to induce sleep.

"If you need anything, come and let me know." She smiled "I love you."

Narcissa turned out the lights and walked from the room to where Lucius was. She hugged him hard and started crying again.  They headed back to their room , Lucius comforting Narcissa as they fell back to sleep , wishing he was comforting someone else entirely, who was currently under the same roof as him, so close to where he was laid.

Bellatrix fell asleep quickly despite her pain and all the emotions coursing through her. Passed out was probably a better term. Now that her body wasn't in imminent danger her brain had stopped releasing endorphins and extreme exhaustion set in.
Lucius had woken early in the morning, not able to sleep much longer and went down to the kitchen. He asked the elves to prepare breakfast for the three of them, but to keep it warm as he had no idea when they would wake. He made a coffee and went and sat in the sitting room drinking it as his thoughts went to Bellatrix.

Bellatrix woke up startled.  She'd forgotten what had happened, where she was until she felt the soreness set in.  She looked over her body marked with black and blue but healing thanks to her sister's ministrations.

Narcissa had always talked when they were younger about being a healer or medi witch, but of course pure blood women were supposed to be kept like breeding princesses locked away so no chance for her.  Bella smiled realizing her baby sister  had a natural for it . That feeling immediately came with guilt and she pulled the covers over her head and cried.

Lucius had finished his coffee and walked up the stairs to the guest room where Bellatrix was. It was risky, if Narcissa woke.  But he just wanted to check on her. He knocked on the door, hoping she wouldn't deny him.

Bellatrix jumped when she heard thee knock on the door. "Who is it? "She asked assuming it was Narcissa.

"It's me. Lucius" came the reply.

She breathed in hard removing the covers from her head. "What do you need Lucius?" she asked, her voice shaking.

"I just wanted to see you. Please."

"Fine. It's your home you can come in. "she said her foot twitching nervously under the cover. She turned to be faced away from the door, still not wanting him to see her like this.

He opened the door slowly and closed it behind him as he walked in the room and sat on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

She shut her eyes tightly and her body tensed as he sat down. It was all she oud do to keep herself from him.  Her body was always drawn to his like a magnet. She reminded herself what a mess she was and that helped her restrain herself.

"Like I was nearly beaten to death a few hours ago" she said dryly.

He winced at what she had said, knowing he had caused it.

"I'm sorry Bellatrix." He whispered.  He wanted to hold her tight to him. Embrace her and make her feel safe.

"You shouldn't be sorry. You didn't do it." She said quietly as she held back tears.

"I could've prevented it"

"Please stop. I can't have you blaming yourself for this Lucius" she said quietly. She wasn't sure how safe they were talking. She didn't feel the presence of any charms so she assumed he hadn't cast muffilato or anything to conceal their conversation. She wasn't sure how they'd explain his feeling responsible for his sister in laws situation.

"I do blame myself. I can't not" He lowered his voice, "I left the bites on your neck. I didn't mean to"

"It's okay Lucius.  I should have reminded you to heal them.  He got home before me anyway. He would have been upset anyway. "She took a deep breath as she remembered some of what happened before she'd mercifully blacked out. His face twisted in rage, him lunging at her.  She shuddered.

"Don't blame yourself. I don 't"

He moved around the bed to where she was facing and knelt down to look at her face, moving her hair from her face He noticed the eye that was swollen. I was slowly coming down, his fingers lingered in her hair.

"I don't want you seeing me like this "she said stubbornly. It took effort because his touch made her want to reach for him.

He placed his palm on her cheek and rubbed it with his thumb. "I don't care, Bellatrix"

She closed her eyes at his touch and breathed in. A tear pulled its way from her eye.

"I love you" she said almost silently.

"I love you." He wiped her tear away and leant in, kissing her forehead.

She bit her lip and tried not to cry more.  His tenderness with her like water in the desert.

"I'll leave you now. There's breakfast ready, if you'd like to come downstairs. "He stood and left the room, walking back down to the dining room where Narcissa was already eating. He sat and started filling his plate with food. 

"I just checked on Bellatrix, before you ask. She seems okay. The wounds are healing. You did well." He wanted to thank her for healing her, the woman he loved, but as just her brother in law he had no reason to and so he didn't.

Bellatrix curled back up into herself once he left. She had waited til she heard him walking down the stairs before she allowed herself to cry. She wouldn't go downstairs . She hurt badly but even more so she couldn't stand to see them together. Not today.

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