Love Marks and Bruises

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She landed on the entry way floor of Malfoy Manor with a crash. No stylised entrance as she was accustomed to making .

Her body crumpling in a heap of stained red, tangled black hair and a body that was quickly bruising nearly everywhere to match the raven tendrils that now covered her mangled face.

She was grateful that the long ago Malfoy who oversaw the construction of this great pure blood show of wealth had saw fit to install marble in the entry way as opposed to the dark wood that lined most of the rest of the floors. The coldness of the stone brought much needed relief to her swollen face.

She was grateful for small kindnesses at this point.

She breathed in, nearly afraid to check her body for splinching but realised she felt no new pain, she laughed deliriously wondering how she'd differentiate between the two now anyway before sucking in another breath - a brave feat considering the pain it caused thanks to the - was it three now?- dislocated ribs and screamed out on exhale


Quickly  realising what she got at best was a mild volume boost , she was too weak even for her well practiced lungs to force out a proper scream even of the name she was most prone to screaming over the years - she cursed herself for forgetting herself a witch and placed her wand against her throat. "Not there " her brain yelled as she poked a particularly tender spot, found another and used the Sonora charm to carry her voice for her.


She yelled again with the aid of her priceless wand. Before dropping her face back on the floor and letting out a long sob - one that cost her dearly in excruciating pain.

Narcissa woke, hearing what sounded like her sister on the manor , she walked curiously downstairs through the hall and turned  the corner to a slumped, bloodied figure on the floor, before realizing who it was. She immediately dropped to the floor and started sobbing Bellatrix's name at the sight of her sister.

She soon shook her head, focusing and called Lucius' name, to which he came running down the stairs and momentarily froze at the sight before him.  The colour drained from his face and he felt his chest tighten. Angry and upset, he rushed forward and leant down to her, moving her hair. "Bellatrix, can you hear me? " He asked gently.

"Yes. Go. I need cissy to help me" she, even though barely conscious, didn't want him to see her like this. She'd never have come had she another option.

"Do you really think your sister is capable of seeing you in such a state?"  Her state broke him, of course  he couldn't say it. He moved her gently so he could carry her and lifted her up, she whimpered as he did so. Lucius walked up the stairs her whimpers becoming moans as the pain increased from the change in movement. Every step was a jolt to her broken body. She refused to look at him. Feeling humiliated she kept her face in his chest, thankful for her long hair that covered her face. Narcissa trailed behind sobbing the whole way to the spare room. "Run her a bath please, Narcissa". Lucius asked softy as he lay Bellatrix down on the bed.

When Narcissa had left the room Lucius stood back, now able to see the extent of the injuries as she was no longer curled into a ball.  His eyes stung as he felt tears rise, his throat constricted. He took some deep breaths and looked away from her.

"Please go" she cried. "I don't want you to see me like this Luce" she winced, the breath talking required being extremely painful. The crying even more so.

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