Mr. Malfoy

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Bellatrix finished eating and got up to head down stairs to leave when she realised she'd nothing to wear but the robe she was in. Narcissa had just thrown her nightgown away at Bella's request. It was so bloody and even if scourgify could clean it she didn't want the memory of what happened in it.

Bellatrix's eyes went wide realizing she had shown up in a nightgown. Did Cissy notice that, did she know it was no mission that had bloodied her? She wrapped the robe around herself and headed out of the room to find her sister and tell her good bye.

She passed Lucius on the stairs.

He looked at her with longing but knew Narcissa was just around the corner. Settling for a brush of his hand against hers as he walked past her he whispered a hushed "I love you, Bellatrix"

Her body flushed at the slight touch and the whispered words. Her eyes stung with tears at the injustice of it. She should be living here not seeking refuge from a husband here.

She sighed, not returning the sentiment because her thought had made her bitter and went to find her sister.

She walked into the sitting room where Narcissa sat as an elf cleaned up the broken mug.

"Oh Bella, I'm glad you're able to be up and around. Can I get you anything, would you prefer clothes or the robe you have?"

"If I could have some clothes to borrow, before I head home?" Bellatrix replied tentatively, trying to hide her own fear at the prospect of returning to her husband.

Narcissa smiled a tight smile as her body tensed. "Of course. But you needn't rush off."

"Did she know?" Bella wondered. She just smiled softly and turned to head back to her room. Narcissa rose to follow.

Bellatrix sat on her bed and waited for Narcissa trying to block out what she may be returning home to.

Narcissa returned handing her sister a dress robe. "This is my most comfortable one, its light, it shouldn't irritate any of your... wounds" she said sadly.

"Thank you Cissy. " Bellatrix said forcing a smile as she slipped into the clothing.

"You don't have to leave Bella. You're no bother and I ...I think you'd heal better here. With me to look after you "

"I was going to go. I don't want to be a pest or be in your way."

Narcissa walked to her sister hugging her. "You're neither of those things. You're my sister not a pest, and this place is ridiculously large, you could never be in the way."

Bellatrix hugged her back able in that moment to appreciate her as a sister for the first time since her betrothal to Lucius had been signed.

"I love you, you know. You're not a burden at all. You can stay as long as you need. And anytime you want. "

"I love you too Cissy. I don't know. Rod will probably wonder where I am. "She didn't know if he would, Didn't' care if he did but she couldn't say "I'm uncomfortable here because your husband and I still love each other and fuck regularly."

Narcissa pulled away and held Bellatrix's cheeks. "I'll send an owl so he knows. "She said stiffly, angry at the sound of the name of the man she was certain had beaten her sister.

She looked over Bella's face sadly. "I'm here when you need me, okay?"

A tear fell from Bella's eye "dammit "she thought. She never let Narcissa see her cry.

Narcissa let go of Bellatrix face and hugged her- too tightly.

Bella whimpered from the pain and Narcissa pulled back some "sorry "she whispered.

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