Wandering Thoughts

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Authors note : some adult content

Narcissa finished her food and filled a plate for Bellatrix, and a glass of water. She went up to the room and walked through, she placed the food on the bedside table, "How did you sleep"?

Bella wiped her eyes quickly and turned to face her sister. "I slept well, thank you. Thank you for helping me Cissy" she said with a sad smile. "You're quite good. In another life you'd make an excellent healer."

"Thanks" Narcissa spoke cheerfully. "Try and eat or drink something, please."

"I will. Thank you for bringing me something. I'll eat and head home. I don't want to impose on you anymore than I have already."

"You're welcome to stay as long as you need."

"Thank you" Bellatrix whispered as she took the glass of water.

Narcissa smiled. "Love you Belle."

Narcissa left her sister to join Lucius in the sitting room.

Bellatrix sat in bed stung by her sister's words. She felt terrible for all the lies she was living. She ate her breakfast slowly, everything including her lips and jaws still painful despite her sister's amazing healing skills.


Lucius was sat reading sipping  his coffee  somewhat wary of what conversation may transpire when Narcissa found him. He wasn't sure if she would piece together that Bellatrix wasn't on a mission, that she was beaten by her husband and what may have led to that on the same weekend he just happened to be needed on a three day mission for The Dark Lord. She'd already noticed the suck marks Bellatrix left all over his body from their first overnight training session. Somehow her naiveté allowed her to immediately just be concerned for him. Thinking they just were marks from spells cast against.

She'd even had Bellatrix over that week for dinner and had asked her to take a look at the marks, to see if she could identify them since he'd kept ignoring her questions about them.

His body tensed and he felt that familiar swell that began anytime he thought of Bellatrix. She'd walked over to him slowly as he sat across from his wife. She had stood between his legs and unbuttoned his shirt collar, slid her fingers along his neck as she opened his shirt up to see his wounds. His wife couldn't see what she was doing with her lips, running her tongue over them, turning them up in a devilish smirk. His body grew hot now just as it did now. His breathing heavy now as it was that day as he remembered her leaning in indecently close to take a ridiculously close look at the marks that she knew very well the origin of . She'd run her fingers over the marks, her breasts just inches from his face as she did so. "Bellatrix" he'd whispered warningly. It only encouraged her of course and she pressed against him further a whispered giggle escaping her lips. He'd noticed Narcissa's face turn to one of suspicion. Even her daft self couldn't deny the tension between them.

Bellatrix had moved so her mouth was hear his ear as she "examined" a mark. "Ohhhh Lucius" she had in a seductiveness that had no place in her voice. "We both know what these marks are." His blood had run cold. "These are MY marks. Aren't they. Didn't you tell her I put these on your body?" she said in her innocent child like voice her playful pout on her face that made him go hard. He'd seen it too many times as she sat naked on top of him to him to not react. "My god Bellatrix stop" he'd hissed.

"Bellatrix! Did you say you made those marks? Do you, do you mean you-"

"Hexed him? Yes Cissy." Bellatrix had said cutting her sister off as she turned to face her. "We had to practice on each other casting hexes." She replied. Still stood between his legs, he praying silently shed move away before his arousal became more noticeable. "Unforgivables even "she added in a low mysterious voice, knowing the topic would frighten her sister and cause her to drop it altogether.

"Oh" Narcissa had laughed breathing a sigh of relief. "For a second my silly mind thought you meant you had ...on Lucius' neck... oh never mind I feel bad for even having the thought" she laughed nervously.

Lucius grimaced and tried to covertly adjust himself as she was distracted talking to her sister. Bellatrix shot him a knowing grin and raised her brow.

"Damn her" he'd thought. He knew she'd punish him for this life he'd forced her into. Playing the part of the mistress. He just didn't know how much he would enjoy it.

He'd excused himself to his study leaving the sisters to talk. Bellatrix hadn't endured the conversation long instead using her new Imperius skills that she ironically learned the day she'd placed those marks on his body to force Narcissa to go to bed and sleep until when woken. She'd then let herself into his study where they fought about her little performance, about her having to see him with his wife, before he'd bent her over his desk. She'd no intention being a quiet mistress either. He only hoped his elves were loyal to him to keep secret what they must have known that day. It seemed they had.

They'd made the arrangement that day as she lay naked in his arms on the leather sofa in his study, as his wife lay in magicked sleep down the hall to take the little trip to Spain that they'd just returned from. The trip that had ended in her being violently attacked by her husband upon her return. The trip that resulted in her lying in his guest bed broken. His emotions overtook him and he threw his empty mug of coffee hard against the wall just as Narcissa walked in.

"Lucius!" she gasped.

"Hmm?" he'd asked distractedly as she walked in. Covering himself with a pillow from the sofa, the effects of Bellatrix even just his memories of her still evident.

She sat in the couch and slid next to him. His back stiffened. He hated cuddling her. Even more so when the woman he wanted was just above him in bed. Even worse, when he was in his current state due to thinking of her.

Narcissa took his arm and wrapped it around herself and he sighed begrudgingly.


He grunted his acknowledgement of the address.

"She wasn't on a mission was she?"

His breath caught.

"What do you mean Narcissa?"

"Her wounds. She didn't get those on a mission did she? She wasn't on a mission was she?"

He cleared his throat.

"She wasn't on a mission with me so I wouldn't know. " Not a lie, he thought. "I'd say most definitely not from a mission. "

Narcissa whimpered a bit. "She was in a night gown Lucius. In any case, she had come from home not a battle. Damned Rodolphus"

Lucius sniffed angrily trying to hide his intense hatred of the man, it wouldn't make sense for him to be so emotionally invested in his sister in law.

"Damned Rodolphus, Indeed. "He thought to himself as he patted Narcissa trying passively to comfort her.

After a short moment he stood. "I'm going to my study. "

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