The beautiful garden

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'I don't care'.

These three words are so easy to say.

But, somehow you can't convince yourself  to not care, when it bothers you so much.

'Let go and Move on' we have heard this so many times. But can we ???

Yes we can, but not easily right?

For example, you can't make up your mind to throw away your favourite old blanket or toy. You just can't. But someday you have to, so that there is place for something much better. 

We need to understand and know that we should 'move on' when we are ready to. We don't need to pretend that we have 'moved on' and hurt ourselves even more.

Cry over it as much as you want to and let it out.

Once I had watched a movie, which quoted,

"A garden looks beautiful with flowers of bright colors. They resemble hope, happiness and positivity. But with the weeds which resemble pain and depression, the garden looks more lively. Pain comes with a purpose. When you move on; keeping in mind what it has taught you, it helps you grow. It benefits you".

You will see, that slowly you are getting better.

You won't forget about those painful memories. Somewhere in your mind you will have them,  but now that you have learnt to 'Let go and Move on', you will never want to cry over it ever again. You will stop pitying yourself;  eventually becoming strong :)

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