Each wound will heal

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When a flower vase breaks it scatters into pieces, because it is made up of pieces.

Similarly, our heart too, is made up of pieces.

Each piece is full of love and has the name of the person written to whom the 'piece' belongs. These are the names of our loved ones.

People whom we never want to lose. They have a permanent residence in our heart.

So when one of them hurts us, we feel heartbroken because they leave behind that 'piece' of love; that piece of our heart which we had given them.

That 'piece' gets detached from our heart and that's why we are heartbroken.

But if we 'try' to stick that piece back, it will.

We will face many problems while sticking it back.

We will get hurt because our broken heart is like broken glass.

But all wounds heal .

Eventually  the piece will stick back again.

Not instantly but it will, because that piece of our heart now has a new name written over it and this person will love us so much that all the wounds and scars in our heart will heal :)

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