Darkness- Companion of the stars

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THE SKY - A monochrome of the color blue.
The lighter shades reflecting the day and the darker shades reflecting night.

Our world too is monochromatic; just like the sky.

And we are stars; the twinkling stars.

The sky turning a dark shade of blue i.e. the arrival of the night time is a message for all the stars to shine their own light, despite the darkness which encircles them.

The night sky has bright as well as dim stars.
Stars appear dim because they are long way away.

If you are ever judged as a dim star, never feel inferior. Because no matter what, you are still a star.

Those who judge you have never seen the way your eyes twinkle when you talk about something you love.

They don't know the real you.

The real you which is so bright; so beautiful.

You are a star
Shine your own light
Follow your own path
Don't worry about the darkness,
for that is when the stars shine the brightest :)

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