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"My. Life. Sucks.
What is so happy about this New Year???
I am not going to wear the most amazing dress and go out for a party, neither am I going to kiss someone at 12:00 a.m."

Many of us might be thinking the same about New Year's Eve, because we are not celebrating it by partying in a club and having a sweet, passionate kiss with someone. But is New Year all about partying??? No, it isn't. There is more to the celebration of New Year.

It is about feeling happy even for the smallest of the things that mean so much to you. It is about wearing even the simplest of clothes and yet feeling amazing. It is about being at home and hugging your loved ones and telling them how much they mean to you. It is about feeling lucky that you are home with your near and dear ones, because some are not that fortunate. It is about calling and greeting all your favourite relatives who live far away from you.

 Some of us are alone on New Year's Eve.

No one to enjoy with. No one for whom we can prepare cake or hot chocolate.

But we don't need to feel awful about it. We too, can enjoy and be happy in our own company. New Year is about doing all those things that make you happy . Like playing your favourite musical instrument or writing a poem or baking or doing absolutely anything that brings a smile on your face and makes you happy from inside. It is about reminiscing all the amazing and funny memories you made during the year. It is about forgiving or at least forgetting about everything that has hurt you.

New Year's Eve is about looking up at the beautiful sky at 11:59 p.m. and wishing on a star. It is about greeting and reminding yourself that a New Year has begun, that a fresh new start is awaiting.

It is about promising yourself to love people who care for you, to love yourself, to be happy, to make others happy even if it is by just making them laugh. It is about lying under the stars and having this positive feeling and hope that all your dreams are bound to come true someday. It is about praying to God and thanking him. It is about gifting something to the less fortunate people and making them smile.

 New Year celebration isn't to show people that you party in a club and enjoy your life.

It is about celebrating in your own way; whatever makes you happy and jump in joy.

And also you never know whom, where and when you might find that someone special :)

In Every Crevice Of My Existence#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now