You're Mine and I am Yours

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Caroline stood in front of the Lockwood Mansion. Her Hands were trembling and she was really nervous. What would he say? How would he react? Would he be angry? What if he decides he doesn't want a pregnant girlfriend? What if he ends things because they're not his children? He had just found out that he could have been a father and now, she was magically pregnant. What would she do? He was the only person who had supported her through everything. When Damon used to abuse her, when she first became a vampire, when her mom hated her, when Tyler hated her, when her Mom was dying. He was the one. She couldn't lose him.

Suddenly, she was broken out of her thoughts when the door creaked open. Stefan was standing at the door smiling and looking his usual handsome self. God why was he always this hot?

"Hey" she heard him say as he leaned in to give her a peck on the lips. "I've missed you"

She smiled nervously and replied "I missed you too". Stefan was planning on telling her about Valerie and the baby today but he was scared. He was scared that Caroline would become even more insecure than she already is. He looked up to her and saw that she looked nervous. "Caroline, you know there's no need to be standing out there." She smiled at that and walked inside. "Caroline, what's wrong?" He knew her inside out he knew that there was something going on. "You seem really nervous." She closed her eyes and turned to face him and tried her best to fake a smile. "I'm fine Stefan. Really." But she wasn't fine. She felt weak and dizzy. Stefan could smell blood until Caroline ran to the bathroom. Stefan ran behind her only to see her throwing up. He tucked her hair behind her ear while she finished up. He was confused. Really confused.

Caroline knew that this was the time to tell him. Stefan wiped her face still looking shocked. "Caroline you're not fine. Please tell me what this is." She could hear the sound of worry in his voice. He leaned forward to hug her but then he heard two heartbeats. He stepped back and Caroline realised what had just happened. "Come with me" is all she said while she led him out of the bathroom and into the patio. They sat down and Stefan looked at her still worried. Caroline took a deep breath until she finally managed to speak.

"I'm pregnant." She blurted out while Stefan just stared at her blankly. "I'm carrying Jo and Alaric's twins. Valerie figured out that the Gemini coven had done some crazy body swapping spell and they put the twins inside me in order to protect them. This whole time, since the wedding I was carrying the twins. They had some cloaking spell on them to protect them and Valerie undid it yesterday while I was taking an ultrasound and it was confirmed that I was pregnant." She finally let out the air she was holding. Stefan still stared at her blankly trying to process everything he had just heard. "You can say something." Stefan turned around to face her again. "I- I don't know what to say." "Of course. Valerie told me about your child that she was carrying." Caroline bit her lip while a guilty expression filled his face. "I have to go" he finally said. "What!" Caroline looked at him puzzled. "I'm sorry, I have to go". And with that he got up and left as Caroline watched the love of her life walk away from her, again. Tears filled her eyes. She was expecting this but it still hurt like a bitch.


Stefan opened the door to Tyler's house and went and sat down with a bottle of bourbon. He hadn't come home since he found out about Caroline's pregnancy. So much had happened today. He had saved his brother and Valerie from the hands of Julian while almost getting killed but he couldn't stop missing her. She was his everything. His sober sponsor. His best friend. His girlfriend. She had always been there for him and now when it was his turn, he just left her. He couldn't control the tears that were finding their way out. He picked up a chair and threw it across the room. He needed her back.

He picked up the phone and called her. She probably hated him but he needed to give it a try. Caroline finally picked up.

"Hello." She said with the sadness she had been felling all day. Stefan knew that she was crying and the fact that she had been crying because of him hurt so damn much.

"Caroline, I know you probably don't want to speak to me right now but please just hear me out please." He waited for a response until Caroline finally said "Okay."

"I almost died today and all I could think about was you and how I was an idiot for bailing this morning. I kept thinking that you were the one who had changed my life. You were the one who had always been there for me. You are by far the best thing that has happened to me in the 160 somewhat years I have been on this Earth. You are the reason why I'm finally happy with who and what I am. You have been my sober sponsor, my best friend when I had no one else. You helped me move on with my life after my heart broke. You told me that I would move on from Elena and fall madly in love and I did, I did with this beautiful girl named Caroline Forbes. I know you probably hate me for being such a jerk but Caroline, I'm so in love with you and that's the only thing that I'm sure of at the moment. I will support you and stand by your side forever because you are my something even better. Today I have the chance to be the perfect boyfriend and help my perfect girlfriend through her cravings and being a father for the next couple of months and Caroline only you were able to give me that chance. My girlfriend gave me that chance. My soul mate gave me that chance. You are mine, and I am yours. I love you Caroline, so much. Please forgive me."

Caroline was speechless. This man had managed to break and build heart in a matter of 12 hours and she didn't know what she should do or what she should say. So she hanged up.

As the line from the other end went dead, Stefan closed his eyes realising that maybe he had really lost her.


It had half an hour since the phone call and Caroline hadn't called back. He was sure that it had all gone to waste and he was feeling empty inside. He had just lost his everything. The world was shattering before him and he didn't know how to live. He got up and went into the kitchen to drink a blood bag. Today she was the reason why he was able to drink from a blood bag without becoming the ripper, and today because of his craziness, he had lost her.

Once he was done with the blood bag he heard footsteps behind him. She came up closer to him and hugged him from behind. Her arms reaching up to his shoulders as she whispered into his ear. "I love you too Stefan Salvatore." He smiled and he couldn't believe that this was actually happening. He leaned his head back while she closed her eyes. He finally turned around to face her. They were both smiling and not even once did the lose eye contact until Stefan lifted her up spinning her around. She giggled at that and turned her head to the side as their lips met. The kiss was passionate but slow allowing their tongues to explore each other's mouth. It was like it was he had never kissed her before the way he was kissing her now. This would never get old. As long as he had Caroline Forbes, he didn't need to worry about anything else in the world.

After what seemed like hours, the kiss finally broke as Stefan spoke "I love you." He finally put her down. Caroline smiled as her eyes scanned the kitchen. "Ummm Stefan, do you have ice cream? You know, Ben and Jerry's cookie dough. Or maybe half baked." The cravings had started. Stefan laughed at how adorable his girlfriend was. "Anything you want Caroline." Before he kissed her again. The next couple of months would be fun.

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