First Day Living Together, Part 2 - A Day With The Twins

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After breakfast, Stefan and Caroline were cleaning the dishes until Caroline splashed Stefan with soapy water. She giggled and an annoyed Stefan splashed her back. Caroline started running away from him. He caught up with her using his vampire speed. He covered her face with soap.

"Hey Stop it!" Shouted Caroline and Stefan couldn't stop laughing. Caroline took a jug of water and poured it all over Stefan and ran away again but Stefan caught up with her once again and they both slipped on top of each other. They both burst out laughing until Stefan leaned in to kiss her.

Then door opened and the twins and Alaric walked in.

"Mommy, Mommy!" Lizzie and Josie ran in to see their mum in a total mess lying on the floor under Stefan.

"Are we interrupting something?" Alaric teased. Caroline pushed Stefan off of her and they both stood up.

"Ric! What are you guys doing here?" Caroline spoke.

"I have to go to the armory and Seline is on a day off so I was hoping you and Stefan could look after them today?"

"Actually..." Stefan started speaking bit Caroline hit his hand signing him to stop.

"Of course! We'll love to!" Caroline smiled and Josie and Lizzie ran and hugged her.

"Thank you so much. It means a lot to me." With that Alaric left.

Caroline saw the not so happy look on Stefan's face.

"Okay babies, you wait right here. We'll be right back." She took Stefan away from the living room into the kitchen.

"Stefan, is there something wrong with the twins staying here?"

"Of course not Caroline. It's just I had this whole day planned out you know, just you and me. Breakfast, then a picnic and a walk in the park by the lake, a romantic dinner, before all the problems with Damon and Enzo came rushing back."

Caroline smiled. "Oh Stefan, that's so sweet. But we have eternity for days like that." She hugged him. "And besides you and the twins haven't been able to bond much so this'll be  the best opportunity. Unless you have a problem with that?"

Stefan grinned "Why would I?" Caroline smiled and they left the kitchen.

"Babies, we're all going to spend the day with Uncle Stefan! We'll all play with your toys and have a lot of fun!"

"We don't want to spend time with Uncle Stefan! He made you stay here instead of with us." Josie exclaimed.

"Girls." Stefan spoke this time. "We can go to the park, maybe a picnic and ice cream! And you girls could stay over whenever you want to. I'd never take away your mother from you.

"Ice Cream! We love ice cream!" They both shouted. "And if we can still meet mommy then we can spend time with you!"

"So should we get ready to go?" Caroline asked.

"Yes!" Stefan and Caroline smiled. "Okay babies! I'm gonna go take a shower. Play with minnie okay."

"Should I come with you?" Stefan whispered into her ear smirking. Caroline punched him in the arm and giggled.

They reached the park and the twins seemed overjoyed when Stefan and Caroline swung them in the swings. They were laughing and running around while Stefan and Caroline ran after them. It was perfect. When Stefan bought them Ice Cream like he promised the twins were the happiest they had been since Caroline moved out.

"Uncle Stefan, we really like you." Lizzie spoke happily.

"Yeah! And we want to spend more time with you!" They both hugged Stefan and the couple were delighted.

While the twins were busy playing in the sandpit, Stefan and Caroline decided to take that walk near the lake like Stefan had planned.

Caroline's hand was holding onto Stefan's arm and her head on Stefan's shoulder.

"Thank you for this." Stefan smiled.

"Anything for you Caroline. I love you."

"I love you too."

And they were happy in each other's company when the sun set and the four of them started to head back home.

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